Knot/Pain from Testosterone Aqueous (Suspension)


Got any Ice Cream?
UGH... I am getting the worst lingering knots from shooting test aqueous. My doc using a 25 g 1 inch needle, but I think i might try shooting with a 23 g 1.5 inch.

Im shooting in the glutes, and massaging the HELLout of it after inject. Also, I warm up the test in the syringe before shooting.. but GEEZE. Any advice regarding what I can to to make it hurt less?

I've only done the glutes, but I'm gonna need to start rotating injections spots. I'm afraid to go into the quad or delt because I dont want to be all gimpy. Any thoughts or suggestions??
test suspension is known to be painful...really isn't much you can do about it. Shooting with a 23g (bigger needle) is only going to hurt more.
Try taking a hot shower before you shoot. It helps the muscles relax a bit. Also icyhot helps as well.

The reason for the pain is most likely the hormone crystalizing in your muscle at the injection spot. (Water gets absorbed, hormone left behind).

Right now im running test no ester in oil, not much pain at all, i'm even shooting biceps, a very sensitive spot for me.
try a 1 1/2 23g inch needle,a 1 inch is more used for the shoulder.i use 1 inch in shoulder and 1 1/2 glutes 23 g.and then again ive just ran into tes that just knotts up and hurts like hell a day after.
Everything they sure you're not putting any weight on the leg while you're injecting.........

one more thought....I've reconstituted antibiotics with lidocaine to lessen the pain to the patient......does anyone think adding some lido with the suspension would work.....would it mix well........would it harm the hormone?.......hmmm

thoughts, anyone.....
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just did 1.5 inch needle last night, massaged the hell out of it. UGH.. LOL the knot still came, but its deeper... not as tender to the touch but Im still all gimpy! HAH. I dunno what's worse. Heat seems to help, so I'm gonna go buy a heating pad.
Cherigo, most of these guys probably dont even know what the hell you are talking about ha ha, maybe some of the Mods or vets could answer this but as far as the average user no way..:) But guys add BB and BA and sterile oil to there supps so I dont see any reason why Lido would hurt it.
How's the pain treating ya?

Everything these guys say is true, I've taken Suspension EOD on my glutes and Delts, I use a 22G 1inch.. Often what i do to take the edge off is mix it with about 1 CC of propinate, Oil based gear, Works well. The trick is to massage and stretch and don't be afraid to tolerate the pain, It's okay... If yoru doing squats or whatever, Your ass isn't going to bust out onthe floor or anything, SO just ignore the pain, You'll notice after a couple movements it's really tolerable. Make sure you shake it really well to break them crystals up, it sucks when they get jammed in the pin. I never heat mine up, but if it's working for you, cool.

Guys who like suspension, Love it, Others are afraid of it.. and the pain alone for 8-10 weeks is worth being afraid of..

I'm on my 3rd cycle of suspension. So i have some experience w/ it..
I shoot delatestryl intramuscularly every week to replace testosterone as I do not produce enough naturally. It's in a oil base so using a 23 gauge needed DOES help a lot. I can't inject it at all with a 25 and using the 25 seems to cause a lot od damage to the area as I try and squeeze the stuff out of it (needle moves too much while trying to inject). Moving the needle about cause some tissue damage and can lend to a greater chance of infection as well (from one who knows).

I have taken to shooting into my leg, go 3-4 inches up from your knee but to the side. If using the left leg, move left to the outer side of your leg and feel for the muscle. If using the right leg, move right to the outer side of your leg and feel for the muscle. If I use that muscle to shoot into, it doesn't cause a lot of pain, shooting right into your glutes hurts like hell for about 2-3 days after. If I shoot into the muscle that is on the side of my leg just abouve the knee, it doesn't hurt so much.


With a 23 gauge needle, be careful not to hit an blood vessels as bleeding has a greater chance of happening.

Use alcohol swabs liberally before and after, let the alcohol dry before you shoot for less burning from the needle.

I am a fat guy so I have to be careful to get through my fat layer and into a muscle which is difficult sometimes since I put the needle in slowly to ensure I am hitting a muscle and not fat, etc.

I am not a doctor or in the medical field, take what I say as laymans advice. I've been shooting for about 2 years now. I feel a hell of a lot better now that my test levels are normal and eating right helps a ton too.

Some people do not tolerate certain oils (very rare), see if you have an issue eating the kind of oil the test is in. If you can't eat it, you can't shoot it. Delatestryl is in sesame oil.