Koh samui Thailand

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New member
Has anyone had experiance with Koh Samui? What are the best gyms there and what is available on the island. Also could you legally fly from pattaya to koh samui with gear?
well its always a risk to travel with gear but when i was in Thailand they didnt check my
hand bag but i wouldnt risk it you dont want to go to a thai prison dude trust me
as for the gyms or gym :) i think its called sunset gym and its crap :) the oldest equipment you'd ever find rusty dumbbells yuck but this is the best you can get there

anyways have fun i love Thailand its the best
I would think that since you're traveling within Thailand that going from Pattaya to Koh Samui with gear would be okay. I'd still check with officials in Thailand to be sure.
Hello All!
Anybody has experience of gyms in Koh Samui in these years? I see all posts about Thailand are quite old.
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