Kris Dim..Heart attack??/

Parish...please dont tell me you are suggesting he owes his accomplishments to what ou call "this below"..... it helped him yes, in body building and launching his fame... but im doubting it really has anything to do with being and im not being condesending...just a "chuckle" at your comment
Genetics plays a big part too but are you saying that if he did not juice,win the Mr.O,get noticed and meet people from his size this that got him into movies and then meet & marry a senators daughter?
No doubt he has the focus and determination to do anything he wants to(As he has already done),but would have been voted in as a skinny UNKNOWN(non-movie star)Austrian???
Not to be condensending but I dont think so.

Parish...please dont tell me you are suggesting he owes his accomplishments to what ou call "this below"..... it helped him yes, in body building and launching his fame... but im doubting it really has anything to do with being and im not being condesending...just a "chuckle" at your comment
I always think of that Russian World champ pairs figure skater,not that I follow it but here is a world champ that drops dead!!
Top in his sport in the world,drug free and ..BOOM..heart explodes...that's a suprise!

That's typical media looking for somthing easy to write about,same as the 86 World Series on Bill Bucker.The 8th..8th guy in the inning hits a ball between your legs and you still have 1 game to play but it's his fault??
Same as roids if you ask me,seems like Arnold is still doing ok....SUPRISED?????

Everybody loves him,his movies,successful as a governor and he owes it all to
this below yet nobody curses him,THAT I am suprised.
arnold had two bypass surgeries due to his roid use
Assumption or a fact on the bypass??
Seen Arnold Sunday at the Classic,looks damn good for 60..looks 45 maybe plastic surgery too?
Kris Dim is in this months Musclemag and is making a comeback,looks like he has not lost anything.Great guy but think he is rolling the dice too often?