L-Glutamine Questions From MRSupps


New member
Hey there I was wondering if i'm going to be supplementing glutamine at 10g per day should I only take it on days where I have a workout or should I just take it every day? MRSupps L-Glutamine powertabs are probably what I'm going to be using as my glutamine source. It's a little costly so hopefully I can save my dosages...
3 ways to use glutamine:

1 - 10g combined with 500mg vit C to protect your immune system from early virus/cold symptoms.

2 - 5g before bed on an empty stomach to help you sleep better.

3 - 2g befote bed to increase your growth hormone levels by 60-70% for 2-3 hrs while you sleep (this is how I use it).

Otherwise, as kozmo said - waste of money :)
3 ways to use glutamine:

1 - 10g combined with 500mg vit C to protect your immune system from early virus/cold symptoms.

2 - 5g before bed on an empty stomach to help you sleep better.

3 - 2g befote bed to increase your growth hormone levels by 60-70% for 2-3 hrs while you sleep (this is how I use it).

Otherwise, as kozmo said - waste of money :)

So If I take 2g every night before bed it raises GH levels?
So If I take 2g every night before bed it raises GH levels?


In the short term it probably makes very little difference, but in the long run it may help with fat loss because higher gh = more fat for your body to burn via lipolysis.
3 ways to use glutamine:

1 - 10g combined with 500mg vit C to protect your immune system from early virus/cold symptoms.

2 - 5g before bed on an empty stomach to help you sleep better.

3 - 2g befote bed to increase your growth hormone levels by 60-70% for 2-3 hrs while you sleep (this is how I use it).

Otherwise, as kozmo said - waste of money :)
Waste of Money ???? I have serious apprehensions that you don't known about this magical amino.
In UK hospitals it was used on serious burn patients ,much before the iron trainers came to know that what it does in deep tissue recovery and healing...read read and read my friend....