lab result after two weeks on sustanbol


New member
Hello I new in this forum I'm from puerto rico and also a first time user I am a spanish speaker but I read a lot in english so if I write something wrong excuse me. I start to use sustanbol 250mg/ml injecting every Saturday. Then after the second injection I went to a friends lab to measure my total test and free. The total test was 178ng low and the free 2 alsso low. I call the guy how sell the sustanbol and he said that it is normal because the sustanbol will low down my natural testosterone but I think that is supposed to be elevated or I am wrong?
What is sustanbol? Sustanon and dbol? Anyways...test should be elevated already. Gear is most likely fake.
Thanks for reply. Sustanbol is the sustanon of britrish dragon. I buy a vial from nordicor lab of test e and will make a lab test again. First injection was yesterday and will make go to the lab maybe on next week after secod injection
Thanks for reply. Sustanbol is the sustanon of britrish dragon. I buy a vial from nordicor lab of test e and will make a lab test again. First injection was yesterday and will make go to the lab maybe on next week after secod injection

Your dealer is correct. But this is a bad idea. very bad idea. You need testosterone and hCG if you want to recover better. It's possible that your testosterone will not come back to normal.

That said, I'm not sure what your normal levels are, but if they were above half the range, that suppression seems to have happens a little too fast. But everyone is different.
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So, is it real? I think that is supposed to be over a 1,000 at least. Because is sustanon is testosterone and I goes to the lab only 5 days after the second injection. You mean that the testo of the sustanon will no be in the blood work?
I misunderstood. If you're running Sustanon (sust) along with the oral, then your testosterone levels would be elevated. But either way, you tested too soon. Wait longer.
No I only inject sustanon two times. But I read that bristrish dragon is no longer working. Everything that is sold under they names is fake. Do you tried or know someone how tried Nordico ? I have a vial from then of test e 300mg/ml. I also order some ampoulet from paksitan that will be arriving in two weeks.
No I only inject sustanon two times. But I read that bristrish dragon is no longer working. Everything that is sold under they names is fake. Do you tried or know someone how tried Nordico ? I have a vial from then of test e 300mg/ml. I also order some ampoulet from paksitan that will be arriving in two weeks.
Does anyone here knows where can I buy sustanon 250 online? Is this possible?
I'm a newborn on all of this stuff and wanna start on my first cycle of sustanon 250 but I dont even know where to buy it, I need to buy the REAL stuff, just read a lot of fake products and labs out there.


Really? I am still new here but I atleast read all the stickies first!
Does anyone here knows where can I buy sustanon 250 online? Is this possible?
I'm a newborn on all of this stuff and wanna start on my first cycle of sustanon 250 but I dont even know where to buy it, I need to buy the REAL stuff, just read a lot of fake products and labs out there.


Yeah the sustanon would have suppressed your natural test, but the bloodwork would have shown a much higher level than yours because the sustanon would active. I believe your gear might be fake.
Does anyone here knows where can I buy sustanon 250 online? Is this possible?
I'm a newborn on all of this stuff and wanna start on my first cycle of sustanon 250 but I dont even know where to buy it, I need to buy the REAL stuff, just read a lot of fake products and labs out there.

Sure bro. But only because I like you and you seem like a good guy. ;)

Head down to GNC and walk straight to the back of the store. Don't stop at the whey powders or vitamin crap. That's for novices and you have better things to do with your time. Look for Stu, he'll be the guy with the Cell-Tech shirt on and is obviously swole. Tell him Halfwit sent you for the "good stuff". Of course, he'll be suspicious, but after he hears my name -- he'll just ask for the password.

Lean in very slowly and gently whisper into his ear, "Unicorn..." He'll take a second in the back, but you'll definitely get the hookup. Just do me a favor my man, don't go telling others about this as it's one of the best kept secrets there are.

You won't tell anyone, will you? ;)