Lab Work Came Back, T is through the roof.. Help me


New member
I have been running Test E and Tren Ace now for about a week. The previous cycle ended several months ago and was solely Test Cyp at around 600mg per week. Today I had my lab work done and my Test is > 2160. Good news is VK labs is legit as it gets folks. 100% confirmed... Bad news is I am afraid my level is too high. How can I lower it?
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You'll have to amputate the arm or leg you injected. In case of gluteal injection you will require an assectomy.

Seriously, not much you can do but wait a few weeks. Postpone any bloodwork.
I'm surprised too.

How much test E are you running? I am surprised you are already at 2160 after just one week.

I'm surprised as well. I dont know what my levels would have been before cycle because its been awhile since I had work done. They say T E stays in your system for 3 months or so.... Long story short its too hard to know what happened but I know where I sit as this moment. I've ran 400mg per week many times and after blood work I was 800-900. I wanted to raise those numbers up a bit more this time to around 1000 and not knowing if one of the 2 was real I guess I aired on the side of it not being real. This obviously was not expected. Good news is I know the gear is g2g. Bad news is I need to find a way to drop them while being concerned with estrogen not dropping at the same rate. I dont want to abandon the cycle and PCT so I think I'll just lower dose and spread out injections a bit. See lab attached. If anyone has any serious input other than useless comical remarks please let me know. Thanks.