Labido increase on cycle?


New member
Hey guys. Im just curious to see what the best product would be to take to keep my labido up on a cycle? Ive heard tribulus and horny goat wed, but neither have effected me. Just curious. Thanks before hand
I was thinking that. But im trying to find a legal way to do things. Lol. I know otc is nothing compared to that of test, but i took an hdrol and daa cycle and my labido was crazy high! No joke. I wasnt sure if it was the hdrol or the daa due to reaearch leading me to believe that both raise libido ( although everyone says otherwise ) but i keep reading and T-force seems to look amazing. Many people have told me about recourse as well and i wouldnt mind going with daa again for my next cycle of msten and stano. I really want my libido up, so any otc that may have worked for anyone and maybe even a product that you users swear by would be awesome
Well if you want legal non scheduled supplements to boost libido then I would suggest Horny Goat Weed and Cialis and maybe some Tribulus.
Im another huge hcgenerate fan and the new hcgenerate ES is a blinder too bro and even stronger than the original. You'll get insane libido off it and it actually made me shoot huge loads aswell lol
How does hcgenerate compare to daa?

Its not even comparable in terms of strength and effectiveness... It is specifically designed to increase libido and keep on cycle suppression to a minimum... This writeup truly explains all of the ingredient makeup in this version... You can really understand why it is so strong...

HCGenerate ES