Labs are in.. Need advice


New member
Got my labs in today and need some thoughts..

Im 34 yrs old, 5'11" 235 lbs. I started cycling at 23 and hadnt done a cycle since 2013. In december of 2015 my fiance suggested I get my test levels checked due to lack of motivation, sex drive, energy etc. I did proper pct after my last cycle so I figured she was wrong but got my labwork done anyway. Turned out my test levels were below 100 NG/DL. I have now been on TRT for a year. Starting out my Dr had me doing 100 mg 1xper week. That wasnt getting my test levels where they needed to be so he upped my script multiple times over the year to get me where Im now at 400mgs per week. I pin every Monday and Thurs. I feel fantastic at this dose and have been at 400 now for about 3 months.
Here are my lab results from Last week:

Testosterone: 696 NG/DL Expected Range: 300-1080
Sex Horm Bind Globulin: 19.4 NMOL/L Expected Range: 16.5-55.9
Free Testosterone: 19.9 NG/DL Expected Range: 4.8-25.7
Estradiol: 46.4 PG/ML Expected Range: <=60.7
DHT: 821 pg/ml Expected Range: 112-955

So Here are some questions I need advice on. I have a script of 1mg Anastrazole and currently have about 90 on hand. My Dr Told me to take 1 pill per day. From my past experience and knowledge, that seems to be too much and will completely block estrogen. Shall I listen to his advice and take 1mg per day or should I take .5 mg per day? Or, would it do the same if I were to take 1mg EOD?

Second question:
Due to several screw ups at the Pharmacy.. I now have 5 extra bottles of Test Cyp on hand and currently get a refill every 15th of the month. I have been sitting on these with the intent to double my dose to 800mg per week for the next 12 weeks and then drop back down to cruising. Thoughts? Suggestions?

Third Question:
I am scheduled to have a phone consult with my DR. Today at 3pm to go over the labs. I feel that my DHT levels are too high. Are they? Any suggestions on what I should be doing to get my DHT levels down? I just want to have other suggestions before going into the call with my Dr.
Your not high enuff to warrant taking 1mg of adex per day. That would certainly crash your estrogen. I wouldn't blast your test yet until your doc has you fully dialed in. If he pulls bloodwork during your blast, your screwed. I'm surprised your on 400mgs of test per week for trt. That would be a cycle dose for most..
Hey man I use Arimidex so I don't know what dose of AI you need . However I want to agree with Tbone...that's overboard and I caution you to make sure you don't crash that E2. Crashing is very ugly I've been there :(

Good Luck
the old man here
400mg a week for TRT? And a TT of only 696? You are on cyp 200 correct? If so how much are you injecting? For example 1cc of cyp 200 = 200mg of cyp. So you are injecting 1cc of cyp twice a week?

Something isnt adding up here
thats what i was thinking.. this cant be right.. 400mg a week will have you in the 2000s
400mg a week for TRT? And a TT of only 696? You are on cyp 200 correct? If so how much are you injecting? For example 1cc of cyp 200 = 200mg of cyp. So you are injecting 1cc of cyp twice a week?

Something isnt adding up here
Yes i am on Test Cyp 200. I get my script from CVS. I pin 1 full cc mondays and 1 full cc thursdays. My dr always has wait 3 days after inject to do blood work. I pinned on a thursday and had blood taken monday following. IF i could figure out how to post a pic i would post the actual lab report.
im starting to think your test is underdosed.. its compounded right?

Im not sure what you mean here. I can tell you that its Sun Pharma and i pick it up at my local cvs. Could it still be underdosed? My doc had called in my first script to a pharmacy near his office and it was watson. That pharmacy wasnt convenient for me though.. however, i can make it convenient if its possible the sun pharma is under dosed.
Was the estradiol test sensitive or standard? If it was standard I don't think you need any ai unless you are having symptoms of e2. If you do need ai, probably don't need more than 1mg PER WEEK of Adex, cause you seem not to aromatize much. Of course you'd split up the doses

I doubt the test is underdosed. I have the same brand from my Rx, but haven't pinned it yet because I'm on a blast. Everyone responds to exogenous test differently and I'd surmise your are a true outlier. But the potency of your test does warrant investigation.

The question I'd be asking is are there negative health consequences to being on such a high dose of TRT constantly even though your levels are normal.
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Have you had any thyroid levels checked. I burn up test too, maybe not quite as bad but 300mg is putting me at around 550-600. Doc won't go any higher.

My thyroid levels are all borderline high. I have no idea if it's just my crazy metabolism or not, just one of my theories.
After speaking with my dr, he mentioned we should have tested thyroid as well which could explain this like youre saying.
Im going back to just have thyroid checked. Ill update next week.
My dr said everyone responds different to tge test. He said that even though my total test is only 696 being on 400 mg a week, im good because my free test has significantly increased and is in the upper range.

I am having e2 symptoms... Im havin emotional waves,, tender nips.. so he suggested .5 mg on the days i pin so only twice a week.

For DHT he is suggesting Proscar?? I know nothing about it and he didnt go into much detail.
So I am on a relatively high TRT dose too. I am new to TRT, never cycled in the past. I ran 200mg 1x weekly for 5 weeks, got labs, and the Dr switched me to 140mg 2x weekly which I was on for 3 weeks and I popped these labs:

Test (ng/dL) - 689 - reference interval 348-1197
Free test (ng/dL) - 12.03 - reference interval 4.7-24.4
Human sex hormone-binding globulin (nmol/L) - 48 - reference interval 10-80
Estradiol (pg/mL) - 39.9 - reference interval 25.8-60.7

FWIW, I am 45 years old, 6'6", 260lbs, 15ish% BF, weight train 4x week. I dose my test sub-q. I did TRT for energy in the gym, muscle gains, and to chase the wife around. Unfortunately, none of that is really happening, at least not to the extent I thought it would. Dr just prescribed .5mg of Anastrozole 1x week, so that might help I hope.

I thought my 280mg weekly was more or less the upper limit of TRT. I guess not.
I thought my 280mg weekly was more or less the upper limit of TRT. I guess not.
200 is with most doctors. My clinic wouldn't up my dose until I walked away, then they let me go up but I ran into issues with the pharmacy they used refusing to fill the script. 400 is pretty much unheard of.

You might want to try playing with your E2 levels a bit (if you're on an AI, lay off a bit). I found that any AI at all will destroy my sex drive no matter how high my T levels.
Have you had any thyroid levels checked. I burn up test too, maybe not quite as bad but 300mg is putting me at around 550-600. Doc won't go any higher.

My thyroid levels are all borderline high. I have no idea if it's just my crazy metabolism or not, just one of my theories.

How long have you been at 300mg/wk?
So I am on a relatively high TRT dose too. I am new to TRT, never cycled in the past. I ran 200mg 1x weekly for 5 weeks, got labs, and the Dr switched me to 140mg 2x weekly which I was on for 3 weeks and I popped these labs:

Test (ng/dL) - 689 - reference interval 348-1197
Free test (ng/dL) - 12.03 - reference interval 4.7-24.4
Human sex hormone-binding globulin (nmol/L) - 48 - reference interval 10-80
Estradiol (pg/mL) - 39.9 - reference interval 25.8-60.7

FWIW, I am 45 years old, 6'6", 260lbs, 15ish% BF, weight train 4x week. I dose my test sub-q. I did TRT for energy in the gym, muscle gains, and to chase the wife around. Unfortunately, none of that is really happening, at least not to the extent I thought it would. Dr just prescribed .5mg of Anastrozole 1x week, so that might help I hope.

I thought my 280mg weekly was more or less the upper limit of TRT. I guess not.
how much are you dosing now?
it should be noted that sub q injections of test slow the release of test over time.. which might be why the levels are lower than expected..

i run 100mg twice a week and right before my second injection im at around the 800s.. IM though