Labs - is HCG fake? Up the Adex?


New member
Running test-e 500mg wkly and 500iu hcg weekly. Taking arimidex 0.5 eod.
Labs: Estradiol 45 (ref <39). HCG <2 (ref <5)

Does this mean HCG I am using is bunk? Should I up arimidex? If so by how much do you recommend?
The adex won't mess with HCG except keeping the testosterone produced from being converted into estrogen. How long after the injection of HCG did you get the test taken?

I dont know on the adex. The estradiol isn't very much out of range so I'm not sure of that either.

What was your testosterone levels?
Sounds like your adex is fake. 500 mg/wk should be ok with 1mg/wk adex. You are taking 3-1/2 times that and have elevated estrogen.

HCG can't comment on. Haven't ever seen it on a blood test before.
Running test-e 500mg wkly and 500iu hcg weekly. Taking arimidex 0.5 eod.
Labs: Estradiol 45 (ref <39). HCG <2 (ref <5)

Does this mean HCG I am using is bunk? Should I up arimidex? If so by how much do you recommend?

HCG is so cheap man i dont think anyone would waste their time bunking it.