labs results


New member
hi there to make it short. had a cycle of :
prop-120 ed
tren a 70 ed
masteron 150 eod
winie 50 ed

pct was
1 Clomid 250mg + Nolvadex 60mg
Following 10 days Clomid 100mg + Nolvadex 40mg
Following 10 days Clomid 50mg + Nolvadex 20mg

after that iw done my test level and it was 0.6 nmol/l expected range is (9-29) so extremely low (test was done at 3pm) i caryed on with 50clomid ed and aromasin 12.5 eod for a week and got my lab done again only in the morning and containing other hormones. the lab results are:

TEST 1.6 nmol/l (9-29)
LH 1.9 U/L (1.7-11.2)
FSH 2.9 U/L (2.1-18,6)
E2 <25 pmol/l (<275)

so as u can see mu LH and FSH seems to be started to function again but test and e2 are very low. most likely im secondary hypogonadism.

now what should i do now?i have all sort of medication on hand HCG,clomid.nolva etc. can anyone sugest me what to do next?thanks for the advise