Ladies I need a little help here...


New member
my girlfriend is dieting and her bodyfat has gotten to a nice point, but she has been at a plateau for a while. I was wondering what you ladies think about having her go on a CKD diet for a little while to help her pass this plateau. I have a degree in execise physiology, and am a certified personal trainer so I know about the basics, but I am more used to dealing with men, any help is appreciated.
Can u tell us a little more please? Like what her weight is, bodyfat etc.
How long has she been training? What's her diet like now?
If we have a little more info we can help u more.
ok she has been training for about 2 yrs, 5'5" 125 lbs. bodyfat % I can not remember, but I am going to go with high teens, low 20's. Her diet now is basically
1: oatmeal
3 egg whites
2:20 g whey, 2 tbsp natural pb
3: 4 oz chickenor 4 oz 1% turkey or tuna
brown rice 1/2 up
4: meal replacement bar~ 20g protein ( i know we should change this)
5: 20 g whey
bigdaddy22 said:
ok she has been training for about 2 yrs, 5'5" 125 lbs. bodyfat % I can not remember, but I am going to go with high teens, low 20's. Her diet now is basically
1: oatmeal
3 egg whites
2:20 g whey, 2 tbsp natural pb
3: 4 oz chickenor 4 oz 1% turkey or tuna
brown rice 1/2 up
4: meal replacement bar~ 20g protein ( i know we should change this)
5: 20 g whey

Okay, well, i think u should put some EFA's in there somewhere cuz that's a pretty low fat diet. Try to get in two tablespoons of flax, hemp, or Udo's Oil in there somwhere. split it up between her shakes or you can put it in some salad dressing.
The above diet looks like it contains about 100g of protein, so I would up it a little(maybe another 20-30 grams)
she has no veggies in there, so let's try to put a couple of servings of veggies in there somewhere. The CKD diet works well, but what I would do is see what she can do just cleaning it up a little and adding in those few things She wants to drink a minimum of 12 glasses of water a day as well. Hope that helps!
actually she takes in a tbsp of udos with each shake, I obviously left that out. I will see about working on tweaking this diet a bit and seeing where we go from there. she also drinks 1 gal of watrer per day. I really just wanted to see if throwing her ckd is an ok idea with her being a female and all, or if any of the ladies had any opiions about that. Thank you Fyre for your help.
bigdaddy22 said:
actually she takes in a tbsp of udos with each shake, I obviously left that out. I will see about working on tweaking this diet a bit and seeing where we go from there. she also drinks 1 gal of watrer per day. I really just wanted to see if throwing her ckd is an ok idea with her being a female and all, or if any of the ladies had any opiions about that. Thank you Fyre for your help.

yes.. CKD is good.. i use it often, esp to blow past a plateau.. jsut remember to refeed!! That is so vital when carb depleting..

Lyle McDonald revolutionized this idea.. and being a female is just fine...

A good plan is either 3 days down, 1 up or 5 down 2 up.. IMO, the 3 down 1 up works better for keeping strength and energy up in the gym.. 5 down is too long a stretch and by the 5th day you are delirious lol

Also, if going low carb.. make sure she does get her fiberous carbs like broccoli and dark greens in and keep her vitamins high.. also i suggest black coffee pre workouts or rely on a fat burner for a little extra boost..

Hope that helps and was the answer you were looking for

luv super
Super thank you for your help. Are you able to get into ketosis so quickly (3 days), When I do CKD I often have a problem getting into ketosis, this may be because I am doing so much cardio ( I am a kickboxer) that I often use most of my ketones. Just let me know if it is simple for you to get into ketosis I am sure she will have no problem.
bigdaddy22 said:
Super thank you for your help. Are you able to get into ketosis so quickly (3 days), When I do CKD I often have a problem getting into ketosis, this may be because I am doing so much cardio ( I am a kickboxer) that I often use most of my ketones. Just let me know if it is simple for you to get into ketosis I am sure she will have no problem.

simple.. NO.. it is not simple.. it is a pain in the ass.. so am i ever fully 100% in ketosis.. NO.. my pms throws it off.. my period throws it off.. my gh use makes it harder.. if i bring up my fats, i find i get in a tad easier.. but it is hard..
The best bet is to be "almost" in ketosis.. she will still blow past her plateau when she drops her carbs so super low.. ketosis or not..
i even bought those stupid ass keto sticks lol.. when i do the 5 down, on the end of day 3 i am in there, but my brain is fried and i can't think worth a dime, and i have ZERO energy... so IMO, pure ketosis is just plain inconvenient lol.. but honestly, if she practices the "art" shall i say, of ketosis and adheres to low-no carbs, she will begin to rapidly drop bodyfat!

Did i explain that well ?? lol..
simple.. NO.. it is not simple.. it is a pain in the ass.. so am i ever fully 100% in ketosis.. NO.. my pms throws it off.. my period throws it off.. my gh use makes it harder.. if i bring up my fats, i find i get in a tad easier.. but it is hard..

this is the type of answeres I was looking for! thanks so much. I have done a CKD to get my weight down for fights and after a while it actually got to be routine and quite easy for me, I was interested in the type of things that can effect it for women and you answered everything. Thanks a whole lot I really appreciate it, and my girlfriend will appreciate all your help.
bigdaddy22 said:

this is the type of answeres I was looking for! thanks so much. I have done a CKD to get my weight down for fights and after a while it actually got to be routine and quite easy for me, I was interested in the type of things that can effect it for women and you answered everything. Thanks a whole lot I really appreciate it, and my girlfriend will appreciate all your help.

No problem at all.. glad to help.. but do remember, everyone reacts differently to things.. she may fall into keto faster and easier.. but other elements i did mention may affect her complete entrance into keto.. but i am sure with your guidance you will be able to get her there.. but again, IMO it is not the ONLY way.. close to keto is sometimes good enough.. But give it a go.. you will never really know unless you try. Even try those keto sticks because they will accurately tell her what level she is in..

Good luck sweetie and keep us posted, or better yet, get her to join over here so she can ask her own questions and bounce ideas off the rest of us :)

luv super