ladies need help??


New member
well, i have this chic friend, she work out and looks great..only thiong is she wants to look more id guess you could say girlish (bigger boobs, ass etc) she does work out on a regular bases and has for about 4-5 there any kind of gear that females take to do this. Maybe estrogen or something....dont mean to sound stupid but i dont know anything about the female body as far as that goes..all I know is what i like to do with it..LOL she is in her late 20's..any advice I can give her....
I also told her that i would ask about her weight gain, she looks like she is holding a lot of water and i told her it could be the new type of birth control she is using....I believe its the patch. she said her eating is the same as well as exercise.
birth control alone made me go from a B cup to a D...

the type of birth control she's on may not work well with her body if its making her gain a lot of weight... maybe she should look into the pill instead...i've heard great things about Yasmine (?) -I believe thats what its called

as for her butt (if shes not already) she should try lunges...

...hope this helped...
well, how about the chemicial aspect..testosterone gives me more manly features, (muscles,facial hair,etc) unless aromatized...would estrogen give women, say bigger breasts for example??

and yes she does lunges
yeah estrogen will do that too her, along with making everything else a little bigger and softer. estrogen will not help her gain squish in the areas that she wants if her body is not predisposed to it. i wouldnt inject more estrogen than she alredy makes. if you wnat a bigger ass to..... you know.... i suggest enjoy what you have or have her gain some muscle and strength there for she can put more back into it. a squishier ass wont do it.
