Laser Hair Removal


New member
Hello ladies, this is something ive been considering because i hate shaving every morning. Anyone know how much this costs just to get your face done?
Costs will probably vary depending on where you go. I know that where i work we charge 250 for the first 15 minutes and 125 each additional. The area time depends on what area and how much hair, thats why we do consultations first, its to hard to determine with out seeing you. I would imagine depending on what you want done it would be 15-30 minutes.
Also remember, this is not a one time treatment, it can takes 6-10 treatments, that you need to do every 4-6 weeks without missing any and it is FDA approved for reduction only. No one guarentees that you will never grow hair again. It usually requires touch up like once a year or so. Mostly for men, because of testosterone mainly, makes hair grow. Meds and other things can also change how your hair grows.
Hope that helps somewhat, i would call around and see what kind of pricing they give you.
i had the chin/jaw line done and the neck. It cuts down on the daily shaving and makes it easier. The cost was a total of $500. - two sessions. Thinned out the beard just enough to simplify the grooming thing.
what the hell 6-10, i just did my 4th treatment hoping my 5th i would be done. fuck that shit if i have to do it that many times, waste of money
Estimate for my wife from a local clinic: Bikini area, and both legs for $2500. At least to me that sounds expensive.