last night pics


New member
here are some pics from last night....I was hosting the party....I didnt drink at all, just posed with some of the liquor. I am 5'9 175. I still have no idea what my bf% is. Any ideas appreciated. Thank you.
Ya, you look good bro.. I'd say closer to the 10% mark. When did you stop using gear????
thanks for the compliments jay c and captain awesome. I did a cycle in 04 as stone cold pointed out. That was it. I was up to 240lbs. I was power lifting and stiff. I re-worked my entire training regimen to increase muscle endurance, stamina, and flexibility. I have been boxing and mma training since then.
bf looks pretty low, looks like you can gain some size on your delts and shave that fuzz off your face
shit man put like another 100lbs or so on you and you could be my twin bro! :) i think you look more like me then my own brother, hahah! you look good though bro, like your in good shape and that's always a good sign. are you planning on adding more size or just trying to keep where you are, are you fighting competitively?
shit man put like another 100lbs or so on you and you could be my twin bro! :) i think you look more like me then my own brother, hahah! you look good though bro, like your in good shape and that's always a good sign. are you planning on adding more size or just trying to keep where you are, are you fighting competitively?

i want to stay at this size, maybe drop 5 more lbs of fat. I'm an amateur, with no plans on going pro. I appreciate the compliments bro.
thanks for the compliments jay c and captain awesome. I did a cycle in 04 as stone cold pointed out. That was it. I was up to 240lbs. I was power lifting and stiff. I re-worked my entire training regimen to increase muscle endurance, stamina, and flexibility. I have been boxing and mma training since then.

Ya, I feel ya bro. I'm in the same boat (BJJ/MMA). You look like you are right where you need to be then. Keep plugging away at the training, looks to be working! :)
Ya, I feel ya bro. I'm in the same boat (BJJ/MMA). You look like you are right where you need to be then. Keep plugging away at the training, looks to be working! :)

i appreciate it. I'm running 5 miles a day at 7 min. each mile.
just remember to do your sprints with your running bro, as an armature you need that explosive stamina even more so then long distance. also throw some interval training into the mix, on the bags I'm talking about. just remember that in amateurs aggression wins fights and the judges will always make most of there decisions from the first and last round they see. :) if you ever need any help with your training or anything let me know bro, when it come to boxing my mind is like a gold mine, boxing was my life and 110% of it for many years! good luck bro and keep up the good work!