Late Night Workouts + Sleep + Food Q's?


New member
K. I work early in the morning 7am but wake up at 5:45 since my destination is 1hr away.
I get home at about 5 pm and need time to relax . I end up hitting the gym at about 7-8 ish and usually hit bed time by 10-11...

Now my question is, What do you recomend to eat Prior and Post Workout?
I mean I litteraly get off gym cook me up food for tomorrow and go to bed...but should i really have carbs before bed? I mean anyone else in this crappy situation?
Make a high protein, fairly low carb meal before bed, but have some carbs before you workout--you will burn those as fuel for the workout.
so before a workout maybe a protein shake with banana mixed w/it and I like to use soy milk ...its got 7g of carbs per 8oz. is that too much w/banana? I usually do that and it gives me a nice little boost man and I lift alot stronger than if i just go w/o carbs.

After my workout session I used to crack open tunas but they are so high in sodium...maybe il go check out trader joes i think i read somwhere that they carry low sodium tuna canns.