Lateral head tricep training tips


New member
Need some tips I bringing out my lateral head if my tricep
If I'm not mistaken pushdowns hit the lateroa head while overhead ext hits long head and presses hit the medial

Anybody have some tips for tricep training

My usual tricep training usually consit of these

Dips or close grip bench
Skullcrushers or overhead or single arm overhead
Single arm lying triceps ext
Rope or straight bar pushdown

Any help guys really trying to bring out the shape as well as mass and my tricep training has hit a stale spot
Here is some info. May be it would be useful

Triceps pushups. Grab a chair and sit on the edge with your hands holding onto the front of the seat, palms to the back. Stretch your legs out straight and position yourself so your back is almost touching the front of the chair. Bend your arms to slowly lower your body till your rear end almost touches the floor, and then push yourself up until your arms are straight and your elbows are locked. You can do a similar movement, lifting your bodyweight, on parallel bars. If you use parallel bars, keep your legs hanging straight down under your torso.

Triceps pushdowns. Now sit on the chair and grab it at the sides of the seat, stretching your legs out and locking your elbows. Slide your butt off the chair and lower yourself as far as you can, then push down to raise yourself back up.

Triceps extensions. Stand or sit with a dumbbell in one hand. Straighten your arm so the dumbbell is overhead. Bend your elbow so your forearm moves behind your head, inhaling as you move. Then press the dumbbell up as you exhale. You can also do this exercise with a dumbbell in each hand, raising them simultaneously. Try to keep your upper arms stationary, next to your head; don***8217;t move anything except your forearms.