Anyone notice a small amount of test dribble out while pushing down the plunger on the needle or after pulling out the needle?? Using 25g 1" needle into the quads.I pull my skin to the side and leave the needle in my leg for about 30 seconds after the injection and it sometimes still happens.
This looks like an old thread. But anyway WTF is the big deal on some oil following your needle out the tiny hole it make as it penetrates the tissue and as it closes behind. Mechanically the needle make a small hole and when the needle slides out it drags some oil with it. One thing is surface cohesion and the oil is stuck to the needle. The other is the slight vacuum the needle creates as it slides out.
This is typical, not a problem, will not cause an infection and the miniscule amount is just senseless to think about.
MY point is what is the point or worry. these injections we do aren't rocket science. There is nothing special about pinning gear then when the doc / nurse sticks you with the needle to deliver any other medicine.
Really OP stop overthinking this.
PS: sorry to be so hard OP.
I think I might be getting a little testy on cycle
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