Lean Bulk Cycle 2013 Liquid Snake


New member
Due to start Sept 01 2013:

Mon Thurs

Weeks 1-5: Eq & Test E 500mg/week

D-bol (30mg) still deciding on

Weeks 6-10 N-Bolin & Test E 500mg/week

Weeks 8-12 Rex 100mg/week


Arimidex and Tomoxifin



4-5 boiled egg whites
One protien shake preferably Casein
One bowl Scottish Oats
One Banana or Berries
Green Tea


Tuna salad
Protien bar


Grilled chicken fillets
Pasta with grilled prawns etc

Protien shake
Salad low carb

Protien bar


Creatine whilst training and half multipower before training half after


Grilled fish
Salad low carb

Casien shake before sleep

Not sure with diet if i will pack alot size on

5'11'' 11 stones i ran Eq and Test E for 8 weeks which i saw a differance but didnt pack the desired amount of size my diet was in shambles and Eq should be run longer cycle than 8 weeks

Now iam 13.5 stones
Grill 15lbs of chicken then cut it up and separate into 8oz servings. Use this to replace the protein shakes and protein bars. You want to lean bulk but you are using a ton of preservatives.

Plus your calories seem to low.
What calorie intake should i be looking at? And at the end of the course iam looking to add 500mg of Test Propinate with the Rexogin 100mg per week

Thanks for post right now just shredding as much body fat as possible before hitting the cycle and implementing diet

Anyone suggest whether the Bold or Nand should be taken throughout because i have read that it takes either of them around 8 weeks to kick in slow esters
Is the EQ, boldenone acetate because 5 weeks of EQ ain't gonna do anything for ya. The benefits of EQ are only really visible after about 8 weeks so you wanna run it 14 weeks minimum.
As fas as the PCT goes the arimidex is not for PCT it's an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and should be run throughout the cycle not after. Add clomid to the PCT with the nolvadex.

Scrap the EQ from the equation
no clue what n-bolin and rex are, I assume they are prohormones?

If your looking for a lean bulk you definitely want to concentrate on adding whole foods to replace the protein bars and the morning casein shake. Protein bars are a great replacement when in a bind or quick calories but don't make them a staple in your diet.
You can Google a BMR calculator for your basic calorie requirements. In all honesty you should already know you calorie requirements before running any gear.

I eat 300 to 500 over my maintenance requirements for a lean bulk and I eat very clean such as no processed foods and shakes. Also depending on your workout schedule either eat all your carbs around your workout or eat all of them with in the first 8 hours of waking up. These are two ways that I have found my body reacts very well to for a lean bulk and I am carb sensitive. On 230 grams a day of carbs I bulk very fast and at 100 grams of carbs a day I can still lean bulk.

Learning your diet will give you faster results then any gear will.
If your looking for a lean bulk with the compounds you are suggesting I would probably just do:

week 1-12 - Test E 500mgs/week
week 8-12 - Winstrol (winny) 50mgs/day
week 1-12 - Arimidex 0.25mgs every 2 days

PCT - 2 weeks after last shot of Test
4 weeks of Nolvdex 40/20/20/20 and Clomid 100/50/50/50

Your outcome is solely determined by your diet, you can always use a tracker like Free Calorie Counter, Diet & Exercise Journal | MyFitnessPal.com to monitor your calories. Find your maintenance calories and increase by 500 then recalculate every couple of weeks and keep increasing to in increments of 300-500 to keep growing.
If you are not familiar with diet planning and macros I would highly recommend using 3J in the diet section, he will tailor a diet for you that will keep you growing and is worth every single penny. He has completely changed my way of eating and my body has dramatically changed since.
Diet is the main factor in a bulk or lean mass

Save the money spend on the Whinny and spend it with 3J. I am willing to bet you anything it will make more of a difference considering you don't know how to work out your diet.

With Test E, proper diet (designed right), and lifting like you want nothing more in your life you should gain a easy 10lbs of quality mass.

I am not talking overall weight but true quality mass. I am not the type that likes gaining 30lbs on the scale just to get 15lbs of mass then have to cut and loose 5lbs of mass.
if you really want the lean big look you should do test P. 25 and tren A .75 ED and some Dbol..

and count your calories. make sure ever meal is mostly protein
Amended Cycle

W1 - W4 D-Bol (Alphabol) 50mg/ED
W1 - W8 Androxine (Tren A) 400mg/week
W1 - W14 Equipose (Boldenone) 500mg/week
W1 - W10 Test Enanthate 500mg/week
W10 - W14 Test Propinate 200mg/week
W10 - W14 Rexogin (Winstrol) 200mg/week
W10 - W14 Anavar 50mg/ED

All weeks Arimidex 0.2mg EOD

PCT 2 weeks after last Test E

Clomid 100/50/50/50
Nolvadex/Tomoxifin 40/20/20/20
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Course has begun with many alterations lets start off with the gear routine

W1-W4 50mg Dianobol
W1-W10 50mg EOD Tren Sus
(Adroxine Alpha Pharma)
W1-W10 Boldenone
W1-W10 Test E

Arimidex .25 EOD
3 weeks in and Dbol showing great effect a very puffed up effect,
Boldenone and Test long esters so full effect takes much longer makes you very hungry
Tren produces great pumps