Lean Bulk cycle What You Think..........


New member
Test p - 400mg PW
Tren A - 300mg PW
EQ - 800mg PW
HCG - 250iu e3d
Adex - 0.5mg ed

Clom 100/100/50/50
Nolva 40/40/20/20
Age - 20
Weight - 180
height - 5'9
Cycle History - 1st cycle Test E 450mg PW EQ 300mg PW for 14 weeks gained about 12pounds second cycle was contest prep Test p 200mg PW tren 525mg PW mast 600mg PW came 1st in junior division was very pleased with my condition had a lot of help from my gym owner who used to compete then 3rd cycle was Test p 600mg PW EQ 800mg PW had to cut this cycle short due to partial tear in pec tendon had some time of been taking GH to help with collagen in tendon and seeing chiro to help with scar tissue its been about 3 months since injury so feeling a lot better tendon feels about 80% 90% gone give another few weeks then ease myself back in.
Training History - Been training for 5 years trained for 4years before using any anabolics.
.5 mg Adex ed from the start seems to be on the high side.. Don't wanna crash your e2 right outta the gate dude
Maintaining a certain degree of estrogen is important and will be of benefit to you on cycle, may help with muscle building energy and libido..
Eod dose is better.. 4 or so weeks into cycle go get bloods done and see where your e2 stands then you'll know for sure where your dosing needs to be at
I'm curious why your doing test prop only as your test this cycle? You had good results with test E.. Why not run test prop (as a kick start first 5 weeks) along side test E .. That why after 5 weeks you'll get a little bit of a break from being a pin cushion.
Test prop - 100 mg eod - weeks 1-5
Test e - 400 mg a week - weeks 1-12 (or however long your cycle is)

Note: also with the past eq you've ran and the amount you are running,, keep an eye on your BP and make sure you get bloods done to check rbc hematocrit levels.. It's dangerous if levels get too high
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its mainly just incase i get sides i can quickly adjust doses also i heard its conversion rate is lower + i would still have to pin the tren a eod anyway so i thought well if I'm doing fast actin tren might aswel do fast acting test obviously the eq