learn how to use Ipamorelin


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Ipamorelin is a pentapeptide (Aib-His-D-2-Nal-D-Phe-Lys-NH2) that displays high GH releasing strength and efficacy in vitro and in vivo. Ipamorelin was established within a group of compounds missing the central dipeptide Ala-Trp of growth hormone-releasing peptide GHRP-1. Ipamorelin is a wonder peptide that is taken 300mcg twice daily or you could lower the dose for 3 times daily, side effects include head pressure and or rushes. It can be taken at any time but taking it about 30-45 minutes before a workout would be great because of the pulse in GH allowing for maximum growth. Taking with your anabolic would be also a great idea because of the obvious effects that they have on GH/IGF release and production.
A study I came upon had an objective of investigating the effects on longitudinal bone growth rate, body weight, and GH release. Ipamorelin in various doses ranging from 0, 18, 90 and 450 ***956;g***8217;s a day; had been injected three times a day for 15 days to test the group***8217;s reactions. After specific labeling procedures, results of days 0, 6, and 13 came in. LGR was determined by measuring the distance between the respective luminous bands in the proximal tibia metaphysis. Ipamorelin dose-dependently raised LGR from 42 ***956;m a day in to 44, 50, and 52 ***956;m a day in the trial groups. There was also a distinct and dose-dependent effect on body weight gain. The treatment of the group did not effect total IGF-I levels, or serum markers of bone development and restoration. Although; the number of tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase cells in the wide portion of the tibia did not change significantly with treatment, which personally in my opinion is a good thing. The reaction of the pituitary to an aggressive i.v. dose of Ipamorelin or GHRH showed that the plasma GH response was notably reduced after Ipamorelin, but unchanged after GHRH. The endogenous pituitary GH content was not down regulated by Ipamorelin treatment. This study clearly demonstrates Ipamorelin is the most selective GH releaser one can use for their GH needs. Like GHRP-2 and unlike GHRP-6 ipamorelin never induces hunger in mammals/humans. Ipamorelin acts synergistically when applied during a native GHRH (growth-hormone releasing hormone) pulse or when taken together with GHRH or a GHRH analog such as Sermorelin or GRF 1-29 which we will touch upon further in the read. The synergy comes from the suppression of somatostatin and the fact that ipamorelin increases GH release per-somatotrope, while GHRH such as CJC-1295 increases the number of somatotropes releasing GH.T hen comes also a derived effect of neuronal excitation in the hypothalamus caused by ipamorelin, which endures for approximately 3 hours after injection; just like GHRP-2 and GHRP-6.
In actual research from another study, Ipamorelin released GH from primary rat pituitary cells with a force and value similar to GHRP-6 (ECs) = 1.3+/-0.4nmol/l and Emax = 85+/-5% vs 2.2+/-0.3nmol/l and 100%). Another source demonstrated that using GHRP and growth hormone-releasing hormone antagonists clearly demonstrated that Ipamorelin, just as GHRP-6, spikes GH release through a GHRP base receptor. Another paper demonstrates, within pentobarbital anaesthetized rats, ipamorelin released GH with a strength and value comparable to GHRP-6 (ED50 = 80+/-42nmol/kg and Emax = 1545+/-250ng GH/ml vs 115+/-36nmol/kg and 1167+/-120ng GH/ml). Another document states that in healthy swine, ipamorelin released GH with an ED50 = 2.3+/-0.03 nmol/kg and an Emax = 65+/-0.2 ng GH/ml plasma. There is a consistency that is very comparable to GHRP-6 (ED50 = 3.9+/-1.4 nmol/kg and Emax = 74+/-7ng GH/ml plasma). GHRP-2 displayed was stronger in its delivery but had a lower value (ED50 = 0.6 nmol/kg and Emax = 56+/-6 ng GH/ml plasma). Also note that none of the GH releasers tested affected FSH, LH, PRL or TSH blood serum plasma levels. Note that injections of both GHRP-6 and GHRP-2 resulted in increased plasma levels of Acetylcholine and Cortisol. However, ipamorelin DID NOT release Acetylchloine or Cortisol in levels notabley different from that of GHRP-2 and GHRP-6 post GHRH spike. This lack of rise on Acetylcholine and Cortisol blood plasma levels was clearly noted even at injections more than 200-fold higher than the ED50 for GH release. Ipamorelin is the first successful GHRP receptor agonist with specific selectivity for GH release similar to that presented by GHRH. The exact selectivity of Ipamorelin makes this compound a vital peptide candidate for future research and peptide utilization. (1)

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Ipamorelin is a pentapeptide (Aib-His-D-2-Nal-D-Phe-Lys-NH2) that displays high GH releasing strength and efficacy in vitro and in vivo. Ipamorelin was established within a group of compounds missing the central dipeptide Ala-Trp of growth hormone-releasing peptide GHRP-1. Ipamorelin is a wonder peptide that is taken 300mcg twice daily or you could lower the dose for 3 times daily, side effects include head pressure and or rushes. It can be taken at any time but taking it about 30-45 minutes before a workout would be great because of the pulse in GH allowing for maximum growth. Taking with your anabolic would be also a great idea because of the obvious effects that they have on GH/IGF release and production.
A study I came upon had an objective of investigating the effects on longitudinal bone growth rate, body weight, and GH release. Ipamorelin in various doses ranging from 0, 18, 90 and 450 ***956;g***8217;s a day; had been injected three times a day for 15 days to test the group***8217;s reactions. After specific labeling procedures, results of days 0, 6, and 13 came in. LGR was determined by measuring the distance between the respective luminous bands in the proximal tibia metaphysis. Ipamorelin dose-dependently raised LGR from 42 ***956;m a day in to 44, 50, and 52 ***956;m a day in the trial groups. There was also a distinct and dose-dependent effect on body weight gain. The treatment of the group did not effect total IGF-I levels, or serum markers of bone development and restoration. Although; the number of tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase cells in the wide portion of the tibia did not change significantly with treatment, which personally in my opinion is a good thing. The reaction of the pituitary to an aggressive i.v. dose of Ipamorelin or GHRH showed that the plasma GH response was notably reduced after Ipamorelin, but unchanged after GHRH. The endogenous pituitary GH content was not down regulated by Ipamorelin treatment. This study clearly demonstrates Ipamorelin is the most selective GH releaser one can use for their GH needs. Like GHRP-2 and unlike GHRP-6 ipamorelin never induces hunger in mammals/humans. Ipamorelin acts synergistically when applied during a native GHRH (growth-hormone releasing hormone) pulse or when taken together with GHRH or a GHRH analog such as Sermorelin or GRF 1-29 which we will touch upon further in the read. The synergy comes from the suppression of somatostatin and the fact that ipamorelin increases GH release per-somatotrope, while GHRH such as CJC-1295 increases the number of somatotropes releasing GH.T hen comes also a derived effect of neuronal excitation in the hypothalamus caused by ipamorelin, which endures for approximately 3 hours after injection; just like GHRP-2 and GHRP-6.
In actual research from another study, Ipamorelin released GH from primary rat pituitary cells with a force and value similar to GHRP-6 (ECs) = 1.3+/-0.4nmol/l and Emax = 85+/-5% vs 2.2+/-0.3nmol/l and 100%). Another source demonstrated that using GHRP and growth hormone-releasing hormone antagonists clearly demonstrated that Ipamorelin, just as GHRP-6, spikes GH release through a GHRP base receptor. Another paper demonstrates, within pentobarbital anaesthetized rats, ipamorelin released GH with a strength and value comparable to GHRP-6 (ED50 = 80+/-42nmol/kg and Emax = 1545+/-250ng GH/ml vs 115+/-36nmol/kg and 1167+/-120ng GH/ml). Another document states that in healthy swine, ipamorelin released GH with an ED50 = 2.3+/-0.03 nmol/kg and an Emax = 65+/-0.2 ng GH/ml plasma. There is a consistency that is very comparable to GHRP-6 (ED50 = 3.9+/-1.4 nmol/kg and Emax = 74+/-7ng GH/ml plasma). GHRP-2 displayed was stronger in its delivery but had a lower value (ED50 = 0.6 nmol/kg and Emax = 56+/-6 ng GH/ml plasma). Also note that none of the GH releasers tested affected FSH, LH, PRL or TSH blood serum plasma levels. Note that injections of both GHRP-6 and GHRP-2 resulted in increased plasma levels of Acetylcholine and Cortisol. However, ipamorelin DID NOT release Acetylchloine or Cortisol in levels notabley different from that of GHRP-2 and GHRP-6 post GHRH spike. This lack of rise on Acetylcholine and Cortisol blood plasma levels was clearly noted even at injections more than 200-fold higher than the ED50 for GH release. Ipamorelin is the first successful GHRP receptor agonist with specific selectivity for GH release similar to that presented by GHRH. The exact selectivity of Ipamorelin makes this compound a vital peptide candidate for future research and peptide utilization. (1)

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Purchase Peptides is definitely not going for the subtle marketing route. If you toned it down a bit, you'd probably find more people buying from you.
Purchase Peptides is definitely not going for the subtle marketing route. If you toned it down a bit, you'd probably find more people buying from you.

I get sick of hear this crap. Tone what down? spreading information and knowledge around ? Sure I will get right on that.

At least they are adding to the forums with good information man and I am helping them to do this. They got good prices, willing to invest time and money into online communities as well as information. And this is what ya get for it ^^^

DUD for every one time I see some one post what you posted. There is 50000 people that this information helped and at least a 100 of them went and bought the product.

The entire world other then 5 people ignore comments from people like your self bro. That mite tell you something? May for you prob not.

Love ya though.
Great article on ipamorelin. Very promising peptide!

Btw. Purchasepeptide is a great, high quality company!!!!!
I get spammed enough on my emails and cellphone, last place I wanna see relentless advertising is on posts that I'm reading. Take offense if you want to, but my comment had no reference to your original post.
Ipamorelin and mod grf in combination is the best for long term use. This will leave you without sides and all the benefits. Ipam is the weakest of the ghrp's but don't be fooled by that because it is very effective

Good info
Sooooo, ok it's late, I'm tired but too fascinated to just sleep. Question: would it make sense or counteract to run this and CJC 1295. I understood it as one controls length of release, another controls how much is released. Also does this have the same effect on both men and women... certain peptides don't. I was very interested to learn 2 and 6 effected Cortisol- I have read a lot and never uncovered that before!! That has a lot of implications...

I'll re-read tomorrow, but 204, will you shed some of your magic upon this for me :)
Cjc w/DAC is a good choice for women because of gh bleed or sustained elevated levels which is more natural to how a femal naturally releases gh. You would use ipamorelin at times you wanted to create a pulse of gh like pwo or pre bed.

Ghrh's in general won't cause a gh pulse unless a pulse is naturally occurring. The ghrp will cause a spike in gh output and even greater with the use of a ghrh.

For males, a ghrh alone is pretty much useless.