Left quad is "different" 2-3 days after injection.


New member
I injected like 3 days ago, and today i suddenly realised that my left quad, which i injected for 3 days ago, looks weird? The outer part of my quad is kind of like "sucked" in a little bit, while my right outer quad is all flat (when flexed of course). It's like my outer quad muscle is sucked in for some reason, meaning it kind of goes "inwards" really hard to explain. Anyone knows why my quad is inbalanced at this point?
what are you pinning? how much? how often? are you rotating injection sites? is this the only time it happened? does it hurt? is it hot/red?

your post needs to be more detailed bro.. maybe post a pic?

either way i suggest you take a warm bath and massage the area, and keep massaging it throughout the day. if it continues like this for the next day or two go see a doctor/go to the hospital and see what's up.

however, if it's hot and/or red right now then go to the hospital bro because you could have an infection. and take it from my personal experience; infected tissue could be some scary shit. it was for me (completely unrelated to AAS)

good luck and keep us updated
what are you pinning? how much? how often? are you rotating injection sites? is this the only time it happened? does it hurt? is it hot/red?

your post needs to be more detailed bro.. maybe post a pic?

either way i suggest you take a warm bath and massage the area, and keep massaging it throughout the day. if it continues like this for the next day or two go see a doctor/go to the hospital and see what's up.

however, if it's hot and/or red right now then go to the hospital bro because you could have an infection. and take it from my personal experience; infected tissue could be some scary shit. it was for me (completely unrelated to AAS)

good luck and keep us updated

Never, ever, ever, EVER massage or use heat/cold therapy on trauma sites. EVER.

Not beating you up, but I keep seeing this lately.

Massage and heat/cold can and will make things worse, as they actually INCREASE the inflammation at the site, making the pain last longer as the swollen tissues continue to press against nerve endings.

Ibuprofen, that's it.

Agree with the young man above me; you're either seeing a muscle imbalance for the first time, or imagining it. You could always post an image of it though. :)
It s like picking a scab. You have been stabbed and injected; let your body un -uck this and with luck you ll be right as rain. This is not a sprain or black eye..it s a puncture wound. Massaging will the 360 degree wound fail to close as your agitating it. Pinning not a natural act.
Hey there sorry for late reply. It's been over two weeks now, and it's still like this. It's not hot, it doesn't hurt, EVERYTHING feels normal! I can squat as heavy and everything. But the quad is still like that, lol. Maybe i should go check a doc
Hey there sorry for late reply. It's been over two weeks now, and it's still like this. It's not hot, it doesn't hurt, EVERYTHING feels normal! I can squat as heavy and everything. But the quad is still like that, lol. Maybe i should go check a doc

Post an image. I'm betting it's not as bad as you think. :)