Left quad swollen and red


New member
Just started a 10 wk cycle of Test E. On my 2nd injection everything went fine. Used two separate needles. One to draw the other to pin. Cleaned everything thoroughly before use. It's been 4 days now and my quad is swollen and red. Feels like a Charlie horse in my leg. The rest of me feels great but my leg is a little warm to the touch. I kinda am getting worried. Not sure what to expect. Could this be an infection? Or is this just a phase since its virgin muscle? I'm new to the whole thing.
Tough to tell, but this is not uncommon. If your hand wasn't very steady while injecting you may have just irritated the muscle so it flared up. Unfortunately, this irritation shares similar symptoms with the beginning stages of an infection (Hardening, redness, warmth, etc...).

It's also possible that the gear crashed in your muscle. Either way, give it a couple more days, if it does not get better, see a doc.

Best of luck to you.
Shoot what a great way to start my first cycle. Funny part is the docs I see are at the VA Hospital.
Should I continue pinning? Or just wait to see what's the outcome?
That's up to you. If you continue, obviously do not use that spot. If it turns out to be an infection it should heal fairly quickly with medication, but always consider how much your performance at the gym is hindered by this when making a decision.