Legit GP???


New member
Need help. Ordered from an online source that many say is reputable (.net) but the Test Cyp I received does not have a label and the Arimidex looks sketchy too. I also have a bottle of EQ in the pic and received other orals - Nolva, Anavar and Proviron that are in the standard GP packaging. Anyone else receive label-less vials or Arimidex in a similar package? Help please. Thanks.
.net is very much good to go OP. I have only heard of them not having a label ONCE before but IMO it is nothing to worry about.
even if it is real, and i'm not saying it isn't. They could have at least marked it somehow so you have some piece of mind that what you're putting in you body is in fact test cyp.
Hey Hey The pics look great to me GP is top quality gear too my man! only pharmacy i mess with. Fast shipping good gear good customer service.
I know it's an old thread but if you get your gear and is unlabled email .net and they will tell you what's what