There is no such thing as over training
by the way Karate Kid 1 movie blows away this last wannabe karate kid movie by far. The wax on wax off really blew me away (16 at the time) when Mr. Miaggi had him apply it when the punches came. I bet Daniel could kick that little wannabe whatever he or it is. View attachment 564097Yes sir you are 100 percent right but i didnt mean to come across that way and yes some of the younger or less experienced guys may of taken that the wrong way so ill try to clear up what i meant i dont think i explained it the right way and before i say anything eles about it i just want to say im not a proffesinal so take my advice with a grain of salt .
Arnold and Franco trained for 6 hours a day for them that wasnt over training but if i tried that it woudnt be overtraining it would be lifting wrong it would be to much for me but if i have a plan to work bis tris and back on monday and i get to the gym and start curling i might not stop curling ive had sessions were ive curled for 3 hours light high reps heavy low reps changing it as i go and the same thing for tris ive spent 2 to 3 hours just working tris and it felt so good i didn't stop and then i did a mixture of both the next day alot of people would say that that is over training but it works for me and works for alot of pro bodybuilders the human body is built to adapt and it dose its job well im not telling anyone to go out and do arms evreyday for weeks but im just trying to say when u set limitations in your mind your body knows that im a big beliver in shocking the muscles forcing them to grow becuse if i dont do this and i do the same routine week in week out nothing happens when i listen to my body and di what it wants to and what is feeling good that day then i see growth get on you tube and watch ct fletcher overtraining he is a bit of a dick but explains it better than i can im a firm believer that overtraining is a myth and i can only say what work's for me may not work for you but give it a try and yes haha the karate kid doing wax on wax of isnt putting much strain on your muscles but doing kendo swinging a bokken around for hours at a time dose. Getting on the mats and wrestling around doing aikijitisu and jujitsu dose doing katers until your arms feel like there going to fall of dose but like i said what works for me might be you lifting the wrong way for your body and mind not overtraining no offence to anyone like i said im no professional this is just what work's for me
Yes sir you are 100 percent right but i didnt mean to come across that way and yes some of the younger or less experienced guys may of taken that the wrong way so ill try to clear up what i meant i dont think i explained it the right way and before i say anything eles about it i just want to say im not a proffesinal so take my advice with a grain of salt .
Arnold and Franco trained for 6 hours a day for them that wasnt over training but if i tried that it woudnt be overtraining it would be lifting wrong it would be to much for me but if i have a plan to work bis tris and back on monday and i get to the gym and start curling i might not stop curling ive had sessions were ive curled for 3 hours light high reps heavy low reps changing it as i go and the same thing for tris ive spent 2 to 3 hours just working tris and it felt so good i didn't stop and then i did a mixture of both the next day alot of people would say that that is over training but it works for me and works for alot of pro bodybuilders the human body is built to adapt and it dose its job well im not telling anyone to go out and do arms evreyday for weeks but im just trying to say when u set limitations in your mind your body knows that im a big beliver in shocking the muscles forcing them to grow becuse if i dont do this and i do the same routine week in week out nothing happens when i listen to my body and di what it wants to and what is feeling good that day then i see growth get on you tube and watch ct fletcher overtraining he is a bit of a dick but explains it better than i can im a firm believer that overtraining is a myth and i can only say what work's for me may not work for you but give it a try and yes haha the karate kid doing wax on wax of isnt putting much strain on your muscles but doing kendo swinging a bokken around for hours at a time dose. Getting on the mats and wrestling around doing aikijitisu and jujitsu dose doing katers until your arms feel like there going to fall of dose but like i said what works for me might be you lifting the wrong way for your body and mind not overtraining no offence to anyone like i said im no professional this is just what work's for me
Roush fair enough all your points are valid and are pretty on the money but as you said theres overreaching and overtraining as you said but i dont think of it as overtraining o think of it as training the wrong way . Like you said about the navy seals or commandos or sasr there training is high performance high intensity training its not the sort of training i was talking about i was talking about the standard weight lifters and bodybuilders training regimes and yes aronold and frank and everybody else didnt do that year round only for a few months to prep for contest but do you train the same all year round when your on and off cycle dose your workouts change aswell .
Im not talking up ct fletcher but he has good points as do you but before he was on the internet yelling and carrying on he was setting world records bench pressing and curling so i do take into consideration what he says becuse he is a champ i dont base what i do off him i just agree with what he says sonetimes watch his overtraining video on youtube and tell me what you think
Roush fair enough all your points are valid and are pretty on the money but as you said theres overreaching and overtraining as you said but i dont think of it as overtraining o think of it as training the wrong way . Like you said about the navy seals or commandos or sasr there training is high performance high intensity training its not the sort of training i was talking about i was talking about the standard weight lifters and bodybuilders training regimes and yes aronold and frank and everybody else didnt do that year round only for a few months to prep for contest but do you train the same all year round when your on and off cycle dose your workouts change aswell .
Im not talking up ct fletcher but he has good points as do you but before he was on the internet yelling and carrying on he was setting world records bench pressing and curling so i do take into consideration what he says becuse he is a champ i dont base what i do off him i just agree with what he says sonetimes watch his overtraining video on youtube and tell me what you think
Haha i command you to grow and isymfs haha like i said its what works for me haha no coffee for me and roush you seem like a good bloke and that you know what your talking about sorry for being a dick the otherday my bad
Is "bloke" a good thing or a bad thing. No worries man, we are all a bunch of juiced up adrenaline junkies in here , we are gonna have good days and bad days
Haha didn't know that nar not England to cold for me Australian
Haha bloke is good means man lol im off to bed you guys are keeping me from my beauty sleep
Yea its good to talk about diffrent things net tv ect milton but o probley shoudnt of hijacked this thread haha