Letro and estrogen levels


New member
I need some help, I have refrained from doing test e for about 1yr or so do to always bloating and looking puffy. Ive assuming that i am sensitive to estrogen converting... so i got prepared and started letro about 2 weeks prior to first shot.... now Ive been on about 4 weeks at 750mg a week and 2.5mg of letro a day. I have no libido at all and my energy level is crap. Before on Test I am energized and horny...

So my question is, have did overkill on the letro?

Should i lower to 0.675mg ed or stop it?

will either bring my estrogen back up to level?

Should i change to nolva? or would a lower dose eventually balance me out?
2.5mg a day is far too much on cycle. You should of quarted the pill and taken quarter every 2 days, so that would work out 0.625mg every 2 days, then if symtoms arise then up it slightly. letro has a 2-4 day half life so they don't need to be taken everyday, every 2 days is fine.

Im currently on a cycle my self and gyno is back again, so im back on the letro at 1.25mg ed, but i have gyno. if yours is just to prevent bloat and puffy nipples then you really don't need to be taking all what you are you just going to end up like a cripple, with bad joint aches, no sex drive and your head done in.. this drug is leathal.

Lower your dose and don't forget when you come off it, taper off it to prevent an estro rebound.
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Thanks for the advice, see I have done a number of cycles without Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and have never had a problem with gyno, I just get bloated even with cardio and a decent diet. Do you think that nolva would be a better choice than the letro? I could lower the dose and taper down and then switch to nolva. Also when you say every 2 days are you meaning every other or every 3rd day? I really appreciate the help. DO you think that when i lower the dose everything will start to balance back out and also you mention the joint pain, its been killing me.
Yeah your joints will stop aching when you lower the dose, you have done yourself in.

i mean eod.

nolva is a serm you need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) during cycle, ie letro, arimidex, aromasin, one of them.