Letro and nolvadex didn't help for pubertal gyno


New member
I'm 23, I've had naturally occurred pubertal gyno (puffy nipples + lumps) for more than 5 years and I recently decided to get rid of it. I've been on Cipla's Nolvadex for 8 weeks (20 mg ED) but there were no noticeable effects, so I rather saved the remaining tablets for tapering down in future for letro. Then I switched to original Novartis Femara (letrozole) starting with 0.625 mg ED for 5 weeks. Because that didn't help, I continued with 0.833 mg ED for another 2 weeks following by 1.25 mg ED for 4 weeks, continuing with 2.5 mg ED for about 3 weeks and then slowly tapper dosages down back to 0.625 mg ED. As of now, I haven't take any for 2 weeks, but I've been taking nolvadex meanwhile.

There were absolutely no changes to my gyno so far, which really makes me sad since letro is supposed to be strongest one. The only thing I've got was pain in the knees when I performed squats and libido was also low (I could still get a boner somehow though, but there were no morning woods even before that, because my T is low). Otherwise, I didn't really notice anything else, perhaps a bit more of chest hair.

I've been working out for 7 years and currently my BF is about 12 %. The lowest I've been was 8-9 % last year, but I still have pretty much fat on pecs, I don't know why I can't get rid of it.

What should I do now, I'm desperately out of ideas? Endocrinologist won't treat me because "gyno is completely normal" while surgery is out of league because I don't have money for it and insurance won't cover that. Here are the results from endo from last year:

S-PTH 22 ng/L
s-testosterone 10,8 nmol/L (about 317 ng/dL)
s-lh 1,5 UI/L
s-fsh 2,2 IU/L
s-tsh 2,77 mU/L
s-ft3 5,2 pmol/L
s-ft4 13,6 pmol/L
prolactin (POOL and PEG) 8,5 ug/L
IGF-1 292 ug/l.

And I didn't even get reference values, so they need to be checked on en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reference_ranges_for_blood_tests I suppose.
In the first blood test, prolactin was way above normal, but then I got MRI and POOL/PEG tests and everything appeared to be normal. I've also been at ultrasound for chest and it showed up that I have 3x1 cm (1.18x0.39 inches) gyno on right side and none on left side. It's true that it's worse on right side, but nipple is still bounced and puffy on the left side.

I could manage to get more raloxifene or tamoxifen, but I'm not sure if they could help in any way due to past self therapies. What do you think? I hope you will get me some good advises since doctors clearly let me down.

Thanks and best regards.
Nolva didn't work bc you didn't run it long enough. I agree with Metalhead, ralox is the best choice, but any SERM treatment for gyno can take months. Be patient and give it time to work.
Also, did you get blood work before and after the AI to see if it was legit. I'm sure you would feel SOMETHING if it was. Our bodies are very sensitive to estrogen levels.
Your testosterone is not good and you have no baseline for E2. Not good. You should have gotten blood work right before taking the cipla arimidex, and then after taking it. The aching of the joints is a good sign, but still kind of subjective. The numbers don't lie. You can stop taking it, get blood work, take it, and re-test. Numbers are your best friend when it comes to dosing of AI. Feeling is good too, but you really want to see it on paper, especially if you don't know how legit your arimidex is.

Try to find a better doctor who is more open minded. They don't have to an expert in endocrinology. My GP is awesome. I talk to her all the time about the hormones and she has no problem letting me get tested. If you can't get E2 from any doctors or it's just inconvient/expensive to find or pay for one, look into privatemdlabs.com It's an extremely useful tool for people who are using AAS or messing with their hormones.
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Dre! My brotha! I know cipla is an indian pharma company. A big one at that. I just personally like to play it safe, counterfeit gear and ancillaries are always a risk, and i like to confirm at least one time that the stuff is real and as potent as it should be. I've had experience with cipla and it was good to go.
Dre! My brotha! I know cipla is an indian pharma company. A big one at that. I just personally like to play it safe, counterfeit gear and ancillaries are always a risk, and i like to confirm at least one time that the stuff is real and as potent as it should be. I've had experience with cipla and it was good to go.

Yea true that. I assumed it was actually from the pharmacy.
Yeah, you just gotta trust the distributer. I like to confirm the first time with blood work, so i know i can trust it. Obviously with something like cialis, good woodies tell all :D
Yeah, you just gotta trust the distributer. I like to confirm the first time with blood work, so i know i can trust it. Obviously with something like cialis, good woodies tell all :D

10mg of Cialis told me all last night lol. Love that stuff
@Black Beard: it wasn't arimidex, you misread it...

I can't say that Cipla's Nolvadex was 100 % legit (I ordered it from *********.com), well at least it looked legit. But I'm absolutely positive that Novartis Letrozole was from local drug store, so no doubts here.

I'm also aware that I should get a better doctor, but it's just impossible here to simply switch to another endocrinologist (unless you pay for private one). I'm having another "official" testosterone test in 5 months because it was very low last time and that's about all. Could clomid help here to raise it? I have about 50 x 25 mg tablets of it (from ***********.com as well).

So the only way to get more advanced blood test is to pay for it in private lab and we are at finances problem once again. I've already payed a lot for nolvadex an letro, I really don't want to throw money away anymore unless it's really necessary or could potentially rally help with gyno.

So you recommend raloxifene over tamoxifen in my case? Is it better in general? How long do you think would be necessary to take it? what are the chances that gyno actually decreases?
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@Black Beard: it wasn't arimidex, you misread it...

I can't say that Cipla's Nolvadex was 100 % legit (I ordered it from **********(dot)com), well at least it looked legit. But I'm absolutely positive that Novartis Letrozole was from local drug store, so no doubts here.

I'm also aware that I should get a better doctor, but it's just impossible here to simply switch to another endocrinologist (unless you pay for private one). I'm having another "official" testosterone test in 5 months because it was very low last time and that's about all. Could clomid help here to raise it? I have about 50 x 25 mg tablets of it (from ***********(dot)com as well).

So the only way to get more advanced blood test is to pay for it in private lab and we are at finances problem once again. I've already payed a lot for nolvadex an letro, I really don't want to throw money away anymore unless it's really necessary or could potentially rally help with gyno.

So you recommend raloxifene over tamoxifen in my case? Is it better in general? How long do you think would be necessary to take it? what are the chances that gyno actually decreases?
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Ah, my mistake. What i said still stands though. You want to do everything in your power to ensure you are using legit product. Not just to save money, but also for your health. Check out privatemdlabs.com for blood tests. You can get tests for $30+ with the discount codes but i understand that money is a problem for you right now. Maybe it would be more efficient to find a doctor that is very knowledgable in treating your problem. Might cost more money, but in the long run you might save it. The most cost efficient path is probably just to make sure your nolva or whatever SERM/AI you decide to use is legit, and like Dre said, give it some time. There are a lot of anti-gyno threads and guides. Do a search. I believe Austinite has written a very comprehensive one.
U should've been taking nolva @ 40 mgs a day for a longer span. Read that link that was provided.
Yeah I know that I could have done it better, but here I am in the current situation, seeking for the best possible way for progression.