Letro and nolvadex didn't help for pubertal gyno

Of course I did, but that's the only source which states that we should only take 30 mg ED, so I'm kind of confused now since I'm not sure if that's effective dose or not.

Still, more concerned part of question is "Although I had it for more than 5 years and that the mentioned therapy didn't help at all?".

As I said, I've already wasted a lot of money and I raelly strive not to make the same mistake again.
Although I had it for more than 5 years and that the mentioned therapy didn't help at all? How long should I take it and how much per day?

Tamoxifen has been shown to reverse gyno in around 76% of patients. Raloxifene/evista even higher. Outside of actual surgery this is the most scientifically backed and sound method of reversing gyno. Studies and cases have shown complete gyno reversal, pubertal gyno reversal, etc by using SERMs like tamoxifen a and ralox. Some ppl just get a reduction in size; most patients will reduce the size of the lump by 50% or more.

The issue is it takes MONTHS bayou can't take evista for 8wks and call it a day and say it didn't work. You never gave it a legitamate chance. Take the evista, 60mg daily for 2wks then 30mg daily until gone (give it 6months or more).
Ok thanks, I will get Evista then. The only thing that concerns me now is that 30 mg ED. Are there are any case studies or scientific evidences backing up that raloxifene is effective with such dosages? Really no offense here, I hope you understand me, I'm just afraid that 30 mg wouldn't be enough for gyno reversal and that I would waste money again... I've only seen Austinite recommending this so far because of bone density issues. How about effectiveness?

I've already Googled that but found nothing for treatments below 60 mg ED.
Ok thanks, I will get Evista then. The only thing that concerns me now is that 30 mg ED. Are there are any case studies or scientific evidences backing up that raloxifene is effective with such dosages? Really no offense here, I hope you understand me, I'm just afraid that 30 mg wouldn't be enough for gyno reversal and that I would waste money again... I've only seen Austinite recommending this so far because of bone density issues. How about effectiveness?

I've already Googled that but found nothing for treatments below 60 mg ED.

I'll look for some later on and email Austin to see if he can add his perspective.
That would be great, thanks a lot in advance!

This is the response I got from Austinite, the recommendation to go to 30mg was made by a surgeon or endo during a conversation they had:

Austinite said:
The main issue is extended use. I***8217;ve always pitched that it takes months to fully reverse gynecomastia. I don***8217;t want anyone using 60mg for months on end. So it***8217;s fine to use 60 for a month or so, but then it***8217;s already saturated, there is no need for excessive use and dropping to 30mg is more than plenty to continue treatment at the same pace 60mg would, without potential damage.

When I get some time I will find some references for you
Thanks, you convinced me, I'm going to follow Austinite protocol then :).

I still have 20 x 20 mg of Tamoxifen left and 50 x 25 mg of clomid as well (I was taking it together with nolvadex for some time because I got that recommendation). How would you suggest to take them? Since I've been taking nolvadex for 2 weeks as a anti-bounce protocol after letrozole, I plan to continue with 20 mg ED until they last and then switch to raloxifene. Would that be ok?

And what to do with clomid? The reason I got it in the first place was desire to raise my low testosterone.
Thanks, you convinced me, I'm going to follow Austinite protocol then :).

I still have 20 x 20 mg of Tamoxifen left and 50 x 25 mg of clomid as well (I was taking it together with nolvadex for some time because I got that recommendation). How would you suggest to take them? Since I've been taking nolvadex for 2 weeks as a anti-bounce protocol after letrozole, I plan to continue with 20 mg ED until they last and then switch to raloxifene. Would that be ok?

And what to do with clomid? The reason I got it in the first place was desire to raise my low testosterone.

If you have enough raloxifene just use that starting now. Save the clomid and nolva for pct in the future. If you don't have enough raloxifene then use it up and then switch to nolva.

Are you hypogonadal? You have any test results to look at showing your low testosterone levels? Reason I ask is bc while clomid could possibly help it's going to depend on a few factors most of which should be on your blood work results.
Please check my first post in this thread, I've already posted results of my blood work which was done by endocrinologist last year (so before I used letro, nolvadex and clomid).