Letro and ostarine question.


New member
I want know if its safe to take ostarine with it, and if its possible to even make gains while on 2.5 mg letro. Thank you.
Why on Earth would you want to take 2.5mg of letro? It'll crush your E2 faster than the rush at the welfare office on payday.
For gyno. Still looking for an answer.

There are far better alternatives than letro for gyno reduction. Check the AAS section for the raloxifene protocol. It won't crush your E2 and is one of the best methods that I know of.
I'm getting off the letro, and normally when you do you take nolva to avoid rebound, but im wondering if I need to take the nolva, or if raloxifene will work for gyno and to prevent the rebound from letro.
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I'm getting off the letro, and normally when you do you take nolva to avoid rebound, but im wondering if I need to take the nolva, or if raloxifene will work for gyno and to prevent the rebound from letro.
I'm getting off the letro, and normally when you do you take nolva to avoid rebound, but im wondering if I need to take the nolva, or if raloxifene will work for gyno and to prevent the rebound from letro.

Raloxifene is a SERM so it would deal with any estrogenic issues when it comes to binding to breast tissue.
The first time i ran Ostarine i ran it before a cycle just to see the effects. Gained weight (water) but not much strength. Then I did epi for like 4 weeks and hit up Ostarine with the post cycle therapy (pct). I went from 192ish to 230 lol no joke. I was doing a bulk cycle so the weight gain was expected but not really that much. My main point is i started to get those gyno beads under the nips and i had run epi cycles like twice before this cycle and never got any gyno afterwards. I'm thinking the Ostarine had something to do with it. It helped me keep alot of the gains (leveled out at 210 after pct) but as of now I have one more bead under the nip. So from my experience i would A.)not run ostarine solo and expect a whole lot of strength gains (regardless of the letro) and B.) not run ostarine if I was trying to get rid of gyno.