Letro for gyno help!!!!!!!!!


New member
I'm posting this for my brother/roommate (yes its actually for his benefit and not mine. I have cycled yet)

But months after his first cycle and pct he starred to get sore nipple and a lump started to gro . He got liquid metro from rui and the soreness went away and the lump was almost gone. To save money he bought liquid metro from apex and two weeks later the soreness came back (bunk ass letro he says) so he got more from rui and he's 4 days into it again and the soreness is nearly gone again. He is running 2.5mg ed.

How long does he run letro? Until its gone? Is it safe to take for 2-3 months?

He is concerned that when he is satisfied with the results and he switches to nolva that the sore nips will come back. Can that happen?

First, a blood test is going to end the guess work. They're fifty to seventy bucks, and private. Letrozole is a VERY powerful aromatase inhibitor that can absolutely DESTROY estradiol. This is a bad thing, and its use for this purpose is very old school.

Raloxifene is the ticket here, and will likely provide the best effects based on general consensus from those that have experienced gyno formation. I don't remember the dosing off the top of my head, but search through the sticky FAQ for Austinite's gyno thread. He has a wealth of information there.

My .02c :)
Agree w a serm. Nolva helped with mine years ago. I had an actual lump about marble size, examined by a bodybuilding doc, and was ready to sign up for surgery. Started nolva for 3 months and it slowly faded and now have nothing.
Well he said his lump was around the size of a marble and now its the size of pea maybe. So letro is working for him. We have both read several threads on using letro for gyno.
Well he said his lump was around the size of a marble and now its the size of pea maybe. So letro is working for him. We have both read several threads on using letro for gyno.

Did you read the medical studies? Why use a tactical nuclear bomb when you can use a sniper rifle?
Well we both read all the info from the link on gyno. Now the question is... Can you stop letro the same day he gets the raloxifene?

Sooner the better, but a blood test is going to let you know if an AI is still even needed at this point. It's a small price to pay for peace of mind.
Sooner the better, but a blood test is going to let you know if an AI is still even needed at this point. It's a small price to pay for peace of mind.

His plan was to do nolva after the letro for two weeks.. Would that be needed for ralox? Considering its a serm...
His plan was to do nolva after the letro for two weeks.. Would that be needed for ralox? Considering its a serm...

Nolva and Ralox are both SERMs. It can take 6-12 months for then to reduce gyno. Run the SERM until the gyno is reduced. If the SERM doesn't work, surgery will be required.

Ralox is preferred over Nolva for gyno as indicated in the studies shared with you.
Nolva and Ralox are both SERMs. It can take 6-12 months for then to reduce gyno. Run the SERM until the gyno is reduced. If the SERM doesn't work, surgery will be required.

Ralox is preferred over Nolva for gyno as indicated in the studies shared with you.

What I meant was... The threads I read said that after the letro helped your gyno that theast day of your dose to start taking nolva to get your hormones back to normal.

After my brother takes ralox for 6+ months will his hormones all jump back to normal?
What I meant was... The threads I read said that after the letro helped your gyno that theast day of your dose to start taking nolva to get your hormones back to normal.

After my brother takes ralox for 6+ months will his hormones all jump back to normal?

I think there's a misunderstanding how these things work.

Letrozole is an AI (aromatase inhibitor); it works by binding to the aromatase enzymes in your body, preventing them from converting testosterone into estradiol in as large quantities as it normally would.

Estradiol (E2) is the chief hormone responsible for generating breast tissue among other things. Everyone is different in how much estradiol is required to cause this, among many other nasty side effects, but an AI is intended to PREVENT this situation.

A SERM (Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator) actually blocks estradiol that has already been created from attaching to receptor sites. This includes the hypothalamus, which is why they are so valuable in recovery, as we men actually use estradiol to determine how much testosterone is needed.

Letro protocols come from the fact that it's a VERY potent AI, and it will absolutely OBLITERATE estradiol in the body. This is good, and bad as it can stop the gynecomastia from progressing, but bad in that we NEED some estradiol to function. What makes this a double recipe for disaster is when suppressed from AAS, and no longer on it - but a reduction is occurring from an AI.

Using a SERM to actually prevent the estradiol present is best, because you don't want to crush estradiol (it's very unpleasant), but it will prevent (and sometimes reduce) the effects on the actual sites - like breast tissues.

Returning to normal hormone function is actually a matter of time more than anything. SERMs simply help bring the natural process back online by reinvolving the HPTA in making testosterone.

The FAQ thread goes a little more in depth, but hopefully that explains WHY it's not only important to research this stuff BEFORE a needle breaks skin, but also why going at this with letro is just a bad idea.
Thanks for all the info man. What he really wants to know now is if there is anything you have to do after coming off the ralox? Tapor down? Take any other serm? Any supps?
I'm posting this for my brother/roommate (yes its actually for his benefit and not mine. I have cycled yet)

But months after his first cycle and pct he starred to get sore nipple and a lump started to gro . He got liquid metro from rui and the soreness went away and the lump was almost gone. To save money he bought liquid metro from apex and two weeks later the soreness came back (bunk ass letro he says) so he got more from rui and he's 4 days into it again and the soreness is nearly gone again. He is running 2.5mg ed.

How long does he run letro? Until its gone? Is it safe to take for 2-3 months?

He is concerned that when he is satisfied with the results and he switches to nolva that the sore nips will come back. Can that happen?

Cutting corners hurts, better to stay with the name you/we know :)
Cutting corners hurts, better to stay with the name you/we know :)

Not sure what you mean by that...

But he's on his second day of ralox. I'll post every couple weeks and let youguys know how its working.

Will ralox help his sex drive come back? Said letro completely killed it.