Letro for gyno help!!!!!!!!!

Not sure what you mean by that...

But he's on his second day of ralox. I'll post every couple weeks and let youguys know how its working.

Will ralox help his sex drive come back? Said letro completely killed it.

Depends if he's suppressed or not still. It is a SERM, so it should help by bringing estradiol back up (while blocking it in breast tissue), which brings back libido.

If he's still suppressed to a great extent, it going to take time for the AAS to continue clearing.
On his 5th day. Said nips are a little sore still. He said if he squeezes real hard he can get a tiny drip of liquid to come out. Should he take prami? This shit makes me want to push my first test cycle back for a while lol.
On his 5th day. Said nips are a little sore still. He said if he squeezes real hard he can get a tiny drip of liquid to come out. Should he take prami? This shit makes me want to push my first test cycle back for a while lol.

Your buddy needs to stop playing with his tits. That just makes it worse.

As for Prami, what is his E2 and Prolactin at now?
Your buddy needs to stop playing with his tits. That just makes it worse.

As for Prami, what is his E2 and Prolactin at now?

I told him to quit being cheap and quit playing a guessing game and go get a blood test but he won't listen. He thinks this ralox cycle with low dose of prami will work for him.

His exact words "if shit came out of my nipple my prolactin is obviously a little high. SK I'll take some prami to fix it. I have a lump under my nipple so I'll take ralox for a few months to fix that. You don't always need bloods done"

Sometimes I wonder how were related.
I told him to quit being cheap and quit playing a guessing game and go get a blood test but he won't listen. He thinks this ralox cycle with low dose of prami will work for him.

His exact words "if shit came out of my nipple my prolactin is obviously a little high. SK I'll take some prami to fix it. I have a lump under my nipple so I'll take ralox for a few months to fix that. You don't always need bloods done"

Sometimes I wonder how were related.

It will work out in the end. Sounds like he is well on his way to removing himself from the gene pool. :)
He's good like that;-). Mega doesn't say a bunch but when he does you want to LISTEN.

ive actually been through a fair few forums, where most of the mods are just cocky dumb shits and alot of the time way off with info ... ive found with meta that hes a good guy, very patient and very informative.... hes saved my tits before ;)
Letrozole/femara can be used as a standolone AI, but the dose needs to be controlled. 2.5 mg per WEEK is able to half e2. About 50% in a study done on obese men. How this affects endogenous testosterone to estradiol conversion is something that needs to be seen. Letrozole is extra powerful because it is able to reduce all three isoforms; estradiol, estrone and estriol. I have also heard it can stop intratesticular aromatisation. I can't remember whether i read or heard this though. The stuff is a beast of a compound.
The general concensus and data shows that 18-42 pg/ml is a safe, "optimal" range for estradiol. Some people feel better on the different ends of that range. A little extra estradiol can increase libido and aggression. A lot of the genomic effects of testosterone are through it's metabolism into estradiol, especially in the brain. This is why optimal estradiol is important for mood and libido and plays in important role in cardiovascular health.