

What do you think about these Muscletech products?
I personally am enjoying them. Tastes good for pills..like advil. LOL!
Overpriced, Overhyped...

Spend all the money you'd save on those products on whole food, protein supplements, and CEE. Much more bang for your buck...
Thoms said:
Definitely. But do they at least work?

I know a few bros that swear by that Gakic shyt. I tried it once (from one of my buddies, I'd never pay for it) and didn't notice squat.
That 10.5% increase is Bull shit!! I didnt notice it either but i do notice this type of hype of surge when i take every other day on my lifting days. I finished up one bottle and now i am going to finish up the other two. I wont be spending my money on that shit again. NAnoX9 on the other hand i will take and get more. Just dont like the huge price tag that comes with it.
July will be my next bulking cycle. (Super test 250)
Do Muscle Tech products work - YES
Are Muscle Tech products over priced - YES
Can you make your own Muscle Tech imitation products - YES
Will this save you a ton of cash - YES

Supplements that you should look at:
Creatine Ethyl Ester (CEE)
Waxy Maize Starch (WMS)
Protein Powder

Try and stay away from a lot of the big brand name stuff like Muscle Tech. They spend thousands or even millions of $ on advertising and those costs come back to you on their high sale prices.

Look at a company like TrueProtein. They advertising comes mainly from word of mouth. You get top of the line products, but you don't pay out the a$$. They sell 99% of the supplements you could ask for and you will save alot of money in the long run.