LGD/Andarine (s4) Cycle Help


New member
After more reading and researching, I decided a SARM cycle is something I would be most interested in. Not too supressive or extreme, but showing promising results.
This is how I was thinking about running it and if anyone had any input or critiques that would be great.

Weeks 1-10 : LGD 10 mg a day , s4 50 mg 5 days a week, DAA 3g a day (to combat lethargy)
Weeks 11-12: LGD 5 mg, s4 25mg, DAA 3g

Weeks 13-14: Torem 120 mg, DAA 3g, Osta 25 mg
Week 15: Torem 90 mg, DAA 3g
Week 16: Torem 60 mg, DAA 3g

Thoughts? Also are any of these compounds known to be hepatatoxic?
29 y/o
230 lbs
15% bf

2 mild cycles under my belt

Primary Powerlifting but also like aesthetics and being generally in good shape.

Best lifts
Squat: 495
Bench Press: 365 paused
Deadlift: 515
Everything looks Ok brother
I don't know how much daa will combat lethargy I'm guessing from the shutdown /suppression from running lgd for 10 weeks that's a decent amount of time to be running on supresssed / low test
All you can do is try and see how you feel
Just running the s4 with the lgd will probably help it that regard
As for your pct I've never used torem I usually just stuck with novla clomid ect but just bear in mind osta can be supp at higher doses not something you want on your pct so maybe look in to lowering your dose a touch other than that sounds good
If you need any Sarms use promo code flex30 for 30 percent off Sarms search products and good luck
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Oh and some Sarms are methylated so they can be harsh on the liver if ran for extended periods of time or at mega high doses but the cycle length doses and Sarms you have chosen should all be fine I couldn't see you having any troubles if your super worried you could run a bit of Nac always good stuff to be on anyhow especially all us guys on high protein diets
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