LGI's DMZ-15 cycle help


New member
I am looking to run a cycle of DMZ-15 here in a few months. This is my third cycle. I will be running it for 5 weeks at 30/30/30/30/30 alongside all necessary support supps. For my PCT I was going to continue to run the support supps while running liquid torem at 120/90/60/30 and then start d-pol (a DAA) during the last week.

My question is this: Does that sound like an appropriate PCT for DMZ? Or do I also need to add in an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) like aromasin?

Help would be greatly appreciated.
It crashed my rat's balls and I didn't use clomid or nolva in the last cycle. U defiantly need clomid for your lab rats because suppress it does! Btw took 2 1/2 weeks to see visible result for Dmz 15
It crashed my rat's balls and I didn't use clomid or nolva in the last cycle. U defiantly need clomid for your lab rats because suppress it does! Btw took 2 1/2 weeks to see visible result for Dmz 15

Liquid Torem is a SERM that is similar to and more potent than liquid tamox (Nolvadex). A SERM is a must in any post cycle therapy (pct), my question was that since DMZ does not aromatize in the body, I will not need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on cycle but will I need it during my post cycle therapy (pct) for use alongside liquid torem and DAA?