libido problems after ph cycle. please help


New member
Hey there,

Let me start off by saying I know I was an idiot for doing PH's at such a young age. When I started I wasn't knowledgeable of the side effects that can occur (long term and short term). Ok well this might be a lot of writing but please bare with me. I have taken a total of 5 PH cycles if I remember correctly( spaced out over a few years). The first ones being Pro Magnon 25(halodrol clone) and took otc ai's for post cycle therapy (pct). I took my first PH when i was 17. I also took one called Finaflex 550xd(superdrol and tren) when i was 18. also took an otc ai( i know stupid ) for my post cycle therapy (pct). I remember I did have some tenderness in the nipples and lowered sex drive/ed for a while after post cycle therapy (pct)(3-4 months if i remember correctly). I ended up getting very sick halfway through football season and had to take about 8 months off of lifting. I lost about 40 pounds of muscle and I was very insecure about it. When i finally got better was last august. I started hitting the weights hard again and I was gaining steadily but I wanted to get back to where i was faster.I am now 19. I took another cycle of finaflex 500 xd. I took an otc Aromatase inhibitor (AI) once again but this time everything was fine. I had huge gains, no libido issues, no puffiness in nipples. I took 2 months off after my post cycle therapy (pct) and then started another cycle of a PH called finaflex ripped(bold and tren). I also had great gains on this and started an otc Aromatase inhibitor (AI). For my otc Aromatase inhibitor (AI) I took revolution post cycle therapy (pct) by redefine nutrition(same company that makes finaflex). I took that for the full month then took half a bottle of post cycle tabs by IDS. I was worried because my sex drive was SHOT. I mean you could have put the hottest girl in front of me and I would rather go lift weights. I am now starting to think maybe the ai's suppressed my e2 levels so much and thats why I had no sex drive. Well it didnt really hit me how bad it was untill one night I was at my new girlfriends house and long story short I couldnt get it up. Not to get into detail but she was all over me and any normal guy would have been more than aroused by that time. I started reading around some of the forum and people suggested I was shutdown. So i started taking a serm(nolva). I did 40/40/20. It was actually tamoxifen citrate which was from a research site so the dosages of actual tamoxifen were probably a lot less. I also went to the docs and got some bloodwork done ON THE LAST DAY OF post cycle therapy (pct). here it is

testosterone, serum- 1029 ng/dl (280-800)
free testosterone- 24.9 pg/ml (9.3-26.5 pg/ml)
LH- 18.0 (1.7-8.6)
FSH- 11.6 (1.5-12.4)
TSH- 1.630 (0.450-4.500)
Estrodial- 48.3 pg/ml (7.6-42.6)
prolactin- 9.3 ng/ml (4.0-15.2)
estrogens, total- 110 (40-115)

The doctor advised me to go ahead and quit taking tamoxifen since it has done its job and im not having gyno issues so I did. she sent me to an endo and the endo said the same thing. She said everything will go back to normal soon enough. So I listened and quit everything. I got blood taken 17 days after I stopped the nolva just to make sure I wasnt shutdown again or anything. heres this bloodwork.

testosterone, serum- 730 ng/dl (280-800)
free testosterone- 18.3 pg/ml (9.3-26.5 pg/ml)
LH- 7.8 (1.7-8.6)
FSH- 5.5 (1.5-12.4)
Estrodial- 46.6 pg/ml (7.6-42.6)
prolactin- 10.9 ng/ml (4.0-15.2)

Well its been a little over a month now that Ive been off the nolva and I have noticed a definite increase in libido and erection strength. But my erection strength still isnt up to par. I cant get aroused like normal and when I do get an erection its not the rock hard normal ones.

So heres my questions.

1. could this all be due to the high e2 levels? some people say yes and some people say no.

2. Is it just that my hormones have been played with so much that its going to take a while to reach homeostasis and for my libido/erections to go back to normal?

3. I know 17 days post post cycle therapy (pct) is early to get bloodwork done but could I possibly have low test levels a month from then?

4. should i be worried? everyone keeps telling me im fine and my bloodwork looks fine and that I should be normal soon. how soon do you think ill bounce back?

5. should i take DIM or I3C. to lower e2 levels a bit?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time,
Hey there,

Let me start off by saying I know I was an idiot for doing PH's at such a young age. When I started I wasn't knowledgeable of the side effects that can occur (long term and short term). Ok well this might be a lot of writing but please bare with me. I have taken a total of 5 PH cycles if I remember correctly( spaced out over a few years). The first ones being Pro Magnon 25(halodrol clone) and took otc ai's for post cycle therapy (pct). I took my first PH when i was 17. I also took one called Finaflex 550xd(superdrol and tren) when i was 18. also took an otc ai( i know stupid ) for my post cycle therapy (pct). I remember I did have some tenderness in the nipples and lowered sex drive/ed for a while after post cycle therapy (pct)(3-4 months if i remember correctly). I ended up getting very sick halfway through football season and had to take about 8 months off of lifting. I lost about 40 pounds of muscle and I was very insecure about it. When i finally got better was last august. I started hitting the weights hard again and I was gaining steadily but I wanted to get back to where i was faster.I am now 19. I took another cycle of finaflex 500 xd. I took an otc Aromatase inhibitor (AI) once again but this time everything was fine. I had huge gains, no libido issues, no puffiness in nipples. I took 2 months off after my post cycle therapy (pct) and then started another cycle of a PH called finaflex ripped(bold and tren). I also had great gains on this and started an otc Aromatase inhibitor (AI). For my otc Aromatase inhibitor (AI) I took revolution post cycle therapy (pct) by redefine nutrition(same company that makes finaflex). I took that for the full month then took half a bottle of post cycle tabs by IDS. I was worried because my sex drive was SHOT. I mean you could have put the hottest girl in front of me and I would rather go lift weights. I am now starting to think maybe the ai's suppressed my e2 levels so much and thats why I had no sex drive. Well it didnt really hit me how bad it was untill one night I was at my new girlfriends house and long story short I couldnt get it up. Not to get into detail but she was all over me and any normal guy would have been more than aroused by that time. I started reading around some of the forum and people suggested I was shutdown. So i started taking a serm(nolva). I did 40/40/20. It was actually tamoxifen citrate which was from a research site so the dosages of actual tamoxifen were probably a lot less. I also went to the docs and got some bloodwork done ON THE LAST DAY OF post cycle therapy (pct). here it is

testosterone, serum- 1029 ng/dl (280-800)
free testosterone- 24.9 pg/ml (9.3-26.5 pg/ml)
LH- 18.0 (1.7-8.6)
FSH- 11.6 (1.5-12.4)
TSH- 1.630 (0.450-4.500)
Estrodial- 48.3 pg/ml (7.6-42.6)
prolactin- 9.3 ng/ml (4.0-15.2)
estrogens, total- 110 (40-115)

The doctor advised me to go ahead and quit taking tamoxifen since it has done its job and im not having gyno issues so I did. she sent me to an endo and the endo said the same thing. She said everything will go back to normal soon enough. So I listened and quit everything. I got blood taken 17 days after I stopped the nolva just to make sure I wasnt shutdown again or anything. heres this bloodwork.

testosterone, serum- 730 ng/dl (280-800)
free testosterone- 18.3 pg/ml (9.3-26.5 pg/ml)
LH- 7.8 (1.7-8.6)
FSH- 5.5 (1.5-12.4)
Estrodial- 46.6 pg/ml (7.6-42.6)
prolactin- 10.9 ng/ml (4.0-15.2)

Well its been a little over a month now that Ive been off the nolva and I have noticed a definite increase in libido and erection strength. But my erection strength still isnt up to par. I cant get aroused like normal and when I do get an erection its not the rock hard normal ones.

So heres my questions.

1. could this all be due to the high e2 levels? some people say yes and some people say no.

2. Is it just that my hormones have been played with so much that its going to take a while to reach homeostasis and for my libido/erections to go back to normal?

3. I know 17 days post post cycle therapy (pct) is early to get bloodwork done but could I possibly have low test levels a month from then?

4. should i be worried? everyone keeps telling me im fine and my bloodwork looks fine and that I should be normal soon. how soon do you think ill bounce back?

5. should i take DIM or I3C. to lower e2 levels a bit?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time,

I3C is a nice supp to take, but realize that novla is pretty harsh in the libido department, you want to increase your dopamine levels since they obviously been smashed, something Powerfull by USP Labs will help with that. E2 was slightly elevated, taking something like Sustain Alpha or any 7-methoxy compound will help with that while not overdoing it. Relax LOL!
So since stopping post cycle therapy (pct), youre test levels have fallen 30%? Am i seeing that right? If so, thats odd.
I3C is a nice supp to take, but realize that novla is pretty harsh in the libido department, you want to increase your dopamine levels since they obviously been smashed, something Powerfull by USP Labs will help with that. E2 was slightly elevated, taking something like Sustain Alpha or any 7-methoxy compound will help with that while not overdoing it. Relax LOL!

i have heard nolva kills libido but its been a little over a month since ive been off. it is coming back but i feel like it should be back to full swing by now. but ive also heard it can take a LONG time to fully get out of your system so maybe thats why? and with the i3c. if i take it how do i know it isnt going to lower my e2 levels too much? and how do you know my dopamine levels are low? can i get these tested as well?

sorry for all the questions. thanks a lot.

So since stopping post cycle therapy (pct), youre test levels have fallen 30%? Am i seeing that right? If so, thats odd.

yes well thats actually whats supposed to happen(correct me if im wrong). nolva increases LH levels which in return raise test levels. once i went off of it the LH levels dropped down and thats why it is lower.

any other comments or feedback is greatly appreciated,
i have heard nolva kills libido but its been a little over a month since ive been off. it is coming back but i feel like it should be back to full swing by now. but ive also heard it can take a LONG time to fully get out of your system so maybe thats why? and with the i3c. if i take it how do i know it isnt going to lower my e2 levels too much? and how do you know my dopamine levels are low? can i get these tested as well?

sorry for all the questions. thanks a lot.

yes well thats actually whats supposed to happen(correct me if im wrong). nolva increases LH levels which in return raise test levels. once i went off of it the LH levels dropped down and thats why it is lower.

any other comments or feedback is greatly appreciated,

Novla and AI's will prevent dopamine synthesis(leads to lack of libido), Powerfull with help with that, if you want estrogen control, look into either Sustain Alpha or Reversitrol V2.
I know your eager to get everything fixed up. but i would stay away from any and all chemicals for a while till your body figures out what the fuck is going on.
Novla and AI's will prevent dopamine synthesis(leads to lack of libido), Powerfull with help with that, if you want estrogen control, look into either Sustain Alpha or Reversitrol V2.

ohh this makes since. you think the e2 levels could definitely have something to do with it though? shouldnt they be in the 20s-30s?

I know your eager to get everything fixed up. but i would stay away from any and all chemicals for a while till your body figures out what the fuck is going on.

yea i was thinking the same thing. but how much longer should i wait? i dont think i can wait longer than another month.
ohh this makes since. you think the e2 levels could definitely have something to do with it though? shouldnt they be in the 20s-30s?

yea i was thinking the same thing. but how much longer should i wait? i dont think i can wait longer than another month.

Use the bloodwork as a guideline bro, they show you where you should be.
Use the bloodwork as a guideline bro, they show you where you should be.

but i didnt take blood work pre cycle. so i dont know what my true baseline levels are. how much longer should i wait untill my hormones are at homeostasis?
I know your eager to get everything fixed up. but i would stay away from any and all chemicals for a while till your body figures out what the fuck is going on.

Couldn't have said it better! Not for nothing, but now you're paying for all that crap you took! I mean, one time to experience, ok, but, Dayum!! Since you were 17?? I'm 25 and still haven't juiced up! Anyway, what's done is done! Just move on forward and LEARN from your mistake!! Cutting a corner can bite you in the ass.. And you cut that corner one too many times! Just hope that by 25 your shit gets up!
yes well thats actually whats supposed to happen(correct me if im wrong). nolva increases LH levels which in return raise test levels. once i went off of it the LH levels dropped down and thats why it is lower.

any other comments or feedback is greatly appreciated,

Yeah that is how it works but its odd you recovered PAST the normal point by 30%. If you make it back to normal in 3-4 weeks youre extremely lucky. It usually takes couple months after pct to become fully recovered.

Im just thinking whatever PH you took probably didnt do much if anyting at all and you were never even suppressed. And by taking the nolva you just boosted your natural test levels.
hey are you trying to say resveritrol (above)? I'm just wondering because I've been reseraching this anti aging ingredient for myself..supposedly what all the stars are taking to stay youthful & the equivolent of the antioxidants in 1000 glasses of red wine. sorry to diverge on the thread but just wondering...