Lift's Second Cycle - Test and Tren.

Friday night's workout: Legs strength


225 x5 315 x3 405 x3 455 x6 (wraps and belt)
Calf work superset w/
weighted abs
skullcrushers superset w/
bb curls on my knees
Upper body strength:

Bench 225 x5 275 x5 315 x3 345 x2.5
HS Rows 3 plates per side x6 4 plates x6 5 plates x6 5 plates +25 x8
Arnold Press 70's x6 80's x6 90's x8
BB shrugs 225 x8 315 x8 405 x8
superset w/ forearm work
Lower body hypertrophy

db lunges 55's x16 (8 per leg) 60's x16 65's x16 70's x16 75's x16 ouch
crunch machine 3 sets
superset w/ unilateral calf press 3 sets
preacher curls 3 sets
superset with dip machine 3 sets
outlawtas2 said:
I don't know how you do these...they piss me off lol! GJ though, they are hard as shit.

Yeah man my knees are black afterwords from touching the ground on ever rep. I'm sure I will pay for it tomorrow.

I'm working about 35 hours this week aside from school so I'm taking the rest of the week off and lifting again sunday.
Yesterday's workout upper body hypertrophy

incline dbs 75's x8 90's x 8 110's x8 130's x8
db flyes 45's x8 55's x8 x8
Lat Pulldown 230 x8 240 x10 250 x12
One arm, neutral, narrow grip HS rows: 3 plates per side x8 3 plates +25 x8 4 plates x10
Lateral raise machine 3 sets x15
superset w/ db shrugs 3 sets x20
mw101 said:
You wont be disappointed w/ A.P. He is as solid as they come.

I have heard this from many different bros so I am confident about this stuff.

Thanks again for your concern on my cycle.

Today's workout

Front squats 136 x6 185 x6 225 x6 275 x6 back squat 315 x8 raw atg
Bar kept slipping off my shoulders on the last set so I added one more.
Calf Press superset w/
weighted abs
Zottman curls 3 sets x6
superset w/ tricep pressdowns
nice front squat work...heavy and looking fwd to seeing some higher numbers once the real gear rolls through
Aczech said:
nice front squat work...heavy and looking fwd to seeing some higher numbers once the real gear rolls through

The thing is, once I get going on the new stuff it's going to be time to cut. I'm not sure If I'll be able to make big strength jumps while losing weight but I'm definitely going to try.
Saturday's workout: Took it kind of easy because I came straight from 9 hours of work in the sun

Decline bench: 225 x6 275 x6 315 x6
DB rows 110 x6 per side 120 x6 130 x6 130 x8
HS military 2 plates per side x6 3 plates x6 3 plates x10
BB shrugs 3 sets 275 295 345 x10
superset w/ forearm work

New gear should be here tomorrow so I'm going to take about a week to get my bloodlevels up then start on the recomp diet. Thanks to everyone for following this cycle even though it turned out not to be a cycle. I will be starting a new log when the diet starts.
Give me a day or two to make a thread about it in the nutrition section and I'll open it to suggestions.

Took my first shot of the good stuff today. Things are looking up.