Lift's Second Cycle - Test and Tren.

LiftTillIDie said:
Had 4 straight days out of the gym due to scheduling then the superbowl. Looks like the rest did me well because I was strong today.

Bench 225 x5 275 x5 295 x5 315 x8 - had 9 in me but no spot, finally some forward progress
HS rows 3 plates per side x6 4 plates x6 5 plates x6 5 plates +25 x9
Db military 75's x6 90's x6 110's x7 - not bad considering I had to get them up myself
Power shrugs 315 x5 405 x3 475 x3
superset w/ forearm work

Final month of tren, time to push for strength.

Numbers are looking good bro, keep it up. How are the sides thus far? Mine settled after a few weeks for the most part, but my back is barely starting to recover from the breakouts :(
stinkfist79 said:
Numbers are looking good bro, keep it up. How are the sides thus far? Mine settled after a few weeks for the most part, but my back is barely starting to recover from the breakouts :(

Funny thing when I started the tren my bacne actually cleared for the most part. It was pretty bad for a while. Other sides are pretty mild, I am slightly more irritable and some light night sweats. Gains are coming fast and motivation is strong.
Upper Body hypertrophy

Incline HS 3 plates x8 4plates x8 5 plates x5 - never tried 5 plates per side before... it was hard
Cable flyes 3 sets x10
Wide grip pull ups bw x6 bw +25 x6 bw +45 x8
HS high row 3 plates per side x8 4 plates x8 5 plates x10
triple superset w/ bb shrugs 225 x10 315 x10 315 x15
and seated lateral raises elbows slightly bent 35's x10 x10 x10

Now shower and straight to work...ugh.
Legs strength

Squats 225 x5 315 x3 405 x3 495 x3 and a half - my back just wasn't there, probably due to all the fucking work I did yesterday
Calf Press superset w/
decline crunches
reverse curls superset w/
french press
Upper Body Strength

db bench 75's x6 90's x6 110's x6 130's x6 150's x5 - god damn things were all over the place, my hands were really clammy, I'm chalking up next time
HS military (had to mess up the order because a couple of twinks desperately needed the power cage to shrug 135) 2 plates x6 3 plates x6 4 plates x3 - too much weight
barbell rows 225 x5 275 x5 315 x5 365 x7
20 rep cable shrugs superset w/ forearm work
I might have lost it somehwere in still aren't on the tren are you?
Last nights workout

stiff leg deads 225 x8 315 x8 425 x8
Leg press 6 plates per side x20 8 plates x20 10 plates x22
calf press superset w/
decline crunch machine
db curls superset w/
overhead tricep extension
Upper body hypertrophy

incline bench 225 x8 275 x8 315 x4 felt really weak
db flyes 35's x10 45's x10 55's x10
Lat pulldown 205 x8 250 x8 285 x8
Cable one arm high row 180 x12 per side 200 x12 x12
Full Arc Lateral raises 25's x10 30 x10 x8 (bringing the db's from my sides straight up over my head to emphasize traps)

After examining my situation carefully I've come to the conclusion that the new gear I was sent is at best underdosed and possibly fake. Basically what this means is the whole cycle I have had no idea how much gear is actually in my system. I have quite a bit of gear left from my bad source, but I just can't trust any of it, so I am going to order some prop and either var or Winstrol (winny) and start cutting. On the negative side I've been swindled out of money, and wasted time thinking I was on a lot more gear than I actually am. On the positive side I have gained most of my size and strength from last cycle back and I'm ready to get serious about my diet.
Lower Body/Core

Squats 135 x10 225 x10 315 x2 315 x20 wraps only -PR- disgustingly hard
Weighted Abs 3 sets
triple superset w/ calf machine 3 sets
and back hypers bw x10 bw+25 x10 bw+25 x10
LiftTillIDie said:
After examining my situation carefully I've come to the conclusion that the new gear I was sent is at best underdosed and possibly fake. Basically what this means is the whole cycle I have had no idea how much gear is actually in my system. I have quite a bit of gear left from my bad source, but I just can't trust any of it, so I am going to order some prop and either var or Winstrol (winny) and start cutting. On the negative side I've been swindled out of money, and wasted time thinking I was on a lot more gear than I actually am. On the positive side I have gained most of my size and strength from last cycle back and I'm ready to get serious about my diet.

yeah that situation sucks bad buddy. i somehow got lucky and got a real bottle of test and the var is good that im off tren i can tell the var is good.

for your cutting youll be much happier with win then var as far as what you look like while youre on. you lift so hard though the joint pain from win may not be worth it. of course i get some shoulder pain from the var too but its not elbow,knee,shoulder pain like win. that shit made knee wraps mandatory for me.
Somehow the 20 rep squat destroyed my body so badly that I woke up with a flu the next day. Luckily it fell on my off days so I was able to get plenty of rest, and lots of vitamins and fluids, despite feeling like absolute shit. I had two midterms on Thursday, which definitely didn't help with the stress factor.

I woke up feeling a lot better today and took a solid shit so I decided not to skip the gym. I didn't push myself too hard and as expected I wasn't very strong.

Bench 225 x5 275 x5 315 x6
Reverse Grip rows 185 x8 225 x8 275 x8 295 x10
Db military 75's x10 85's x10 95's x10

Cut the workout a little short.
Legs hypertrophy

Front squats 135 x8 155 x8 185 x8 205 x8 225 x8
Hamstring curls 3 sets x8
superset w/ bb shrugs 225 x8 315 x8 365 x12
Cable work for bis and tris

Trying a little experiment to see if the prop I have is fake. My friend who is on the same test I am dropped both test and tren and one week later he feels like he is completely off. This leads us to believe that if something is working here it is the tren which must be underdosed. So I'm switcing out the crap test for the prop and continuing shooting it with the tren. This should tell me if there's something in the prop. If it ends up working I will start to cut on the prop when I drop the tren. if not I will wait until I have gear from another source.
seems like you been having a hard time with getting good gear? you been changing sources frequently or what?
truck said:
seems like you been having a hard time with getting good gear? you been changing sources frequently or what?

Haha no it's all from one source. We bought some gear from him and it turned out bad, I called him out on it and he replaced it all for free. I thought it was a one time thing with the bad gear but after we got it replaced I find out he's turned into a scammer and this is happening to a whole bunch of others.
Yesterdays workout- upper body hypertrophy

Incline HS 3 plates per side x8 4 plates x8 5 plates x5
Cable press 3 sets x10
Wide grip pull ups bw x8 bw +25 x8 bw +45 x7
HS high row 3 plates per side x8 4 plates x8 5 plates x10
Seated lateral raises 30's x10 35's x10 x10
superset w/ slow db shrugs 75's x15 x15 x15
Holding steady 290-295. I'm no longer eating as hard as I can but still getting 8 meals a day in (9 yesterday). Just trying to maintain for a little while until I get new gear.