light cycle during nebido trt


New member
hi everyone

first of all i have to tell you guys that i m french and my english unfortunately is not that good
second i m not shure i posted in the right part of the forum...

so i m on trt nebido nebido (4 ml/ 1000 mg Testosteronundecanoat ( 631,5 mg testosterone) (250 mg Testosteronundecanoat per ml )one shot every 12 week

i m planning on doing a light cycle for 12 weeks

500 mg EQ per week for 12 weeks and test enantate 250 every 2 weeks for the same periode of time

i have several questions:

1:is it possible to run eq only,benefit?why?

2:is it a good idea to add test enantate at this dosage and for this 12 weeks

3a:how long before my next lab test should i stop eq so it doesnt change my results when i see my doctor(only testosterone will be tested)

3b:how long before my next lab test hsould i stop testo enantate 250 so it doest change my results when i see my doctor (only teso will be tested)

i hope you will understand my questions and again sorry for my english
how old are you, weight, bf%, cycle history? why EQ? first cycle should only be test only.

and sorry i took so long to answer but i had no internet connection those last days

so to answer milton questions :i m 39 year old 180 cm (5.9)84 kilos (185) my body fat (from what i see in pictures)must be between 12 and 15 percent.

Why eq ?because i have easy acces to this product and because its a"mild " steroid with "mild side effect" and because i read a few forums where people on trt took eq without changing their trt dose


no cycle history ,currently on trt with nebido

and sorry i took so long to answer but i had no internet connection those last days

so to answer milton questions :i m 39 year old 180 cm (5.9)84 kilos (185) my body fat (from what i see in pictures)must be between 12 and 15 percent.

Why eq ?because i have easy acces to this product and because its a"mild " steroid with "mild side effect" and because i read a few forums where people on trt took eq without changing their trt dose


no cycle history ,currently on trt with nebido

Eq will raise your hemocrit levels. You will have to donate blood regularly to keep them on the safe side. It's mild as far as converting to estrogen but hemocrit isn't nothing to mess with.

I would stay the course of your trt dose and do more research on things. You posted something about using test e every 2 weeks with this blast. Test e should be pinned 2 times a week, once at the minimum. Get some research under your belt and don't just take stuff because it's available. Know why and when to take it and what it exactly is doing...
i knew that eq would raise my hemocrit level and i would donate blood (i can make labtest witout my endocrino to know)
i m here to learn and i m not gonna pin anything before i understand what i m doing.
i knew that eq would raise my hemocrit level and i would donate blood (i can make labtest witout my endocrino to know)
i m here to learn and i m not gonna pin anything before i understand what i m doing.

good to hear, please keep us posted.