Like when you got a bike aged 5...


New member

400mg Prop (Zenik labs) p/w
33mg Adex (Brit Dragon) e/d
250iu Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) (Organon) 2/w

day 1 - 130mg Test Prop, 33mg Adex

Well it was my first ever shot I was absolutely shitting my pants but it went ok, no pain, straight in the glutes. I never imagined it would actually take so long to get the oil through the needle...quite an effort. (using a 1.25/23)

A drop ran out the hole after, but i guess this is ok, clearly the lions share went in my ass. The Adex pills are TINY, a lot smaller than i was expecting. Was going to have 25mg every day but splitting a 1mg pill into 4 would have been impossible, into 3 was tricky.

Some stats - 79kg, ~14% Bf, 5'6, PL'er...

Have dieted down from 84ish @ 17% to do this cycle, hoping to get to around 86 @ ~14% by the end of it. I couldnt afford to diet any further, strength was suffering too much.
todays food:

P- 300
C- 220
F- 75
Cals - 2700

This may seem low, but its a non training day, and the 1st day of the bulk. Cals will be ramped up slowly (mainly through increase in carbs) as bulk goes on. I have a feeling that jumping straight from my cutting diet (<2500 cals) into my bulking diet (>3700 cals) will give me too much increase in BF.
NXG+ said:
im shooting at:

Monday 10pm

Thursday 6am

Saturday 12midday

Is that right/correct/normal ?

Have a seriously painful ass ATM! Feels like ive been kicked up it by someone with pointy shoes on.
you should be shooting prop eod if not ed for best results.
So you would do something more like:

Mon 10pm

Weds 6pm

Fri 6pm

Sun 8am


Thanks for your answers...
if i were shooting prop, i'd be doing 100mg on m/w/f/sun/tu/th/sat/m.......all at the same time of the day...6am would be the convienant time for me.
NXG+ said:
33mg Adex (Brit Dragon) e/d

You mean .33mg right? :)

YEs, prop should be shot at a minimum of EOD, ED if you ask me.

Bumping up your cals slowly is good idea, no need to hop them up too fast.
outlawtas2 said:
You mean .33mg right? :)

YEs, prop should be shot at a minimum of EOD, ED if you ask me.

Bumping up your cals slowly is good idea, no need to hop them up too fast.
haha yeah thats the badger. 1mg tab split into 3.

Average cals this week have been around 2900, next week i'll probably round it up to 3100 or so. No significant changes from the test yet, but its only been 2 shots.

I think im going back into my r.glute again tmw, it still hurts a little from the last shot but i really dont fancy quads as i think any pain here is gonna mess up my ME Sq day on Sun.
NXG+ said:
I think im going back into my r.glute again tmw, it still hurts a little from the last shot but i really dont fancy quads as i think any pain here is gonna mess up my ME Sq day on Sun.

haha for some reason I love squatting with a sore injection site, it kinda feels good.
Well I have had 4 shots now, 200mg in each ass cheek.

One thing i seem to be finding is that if my ass is still hurting from the last shot, then shooting it again hurts pretty bad. Had the worst one yet tonight, once the needle was in it was ok but it put a good old grimace on my face on the way in.

I was a little worried as i noticed halfway through shooting that maybe 1/4" of the pin was left sticking out...I'd probably shot half the oil by this stage. I pushed the remainder of the pin in and shot the rest but im only using 1.25" pins and i heard that shooting too shallow was a good way to get an abcess which i definately dont want.

Still hurts a bit now actually. Gonna have to be brave and venture out into some new sites I think...I think calves might be next.

Weight is now at 80.25 kg so up 1.25kg though I think BF is up too, so most of that is probably due to the increased cal intake. Averaged 2850 or so last week, shooting for 3100 this week. Strength seems good, nothing hugely exciting to report though.
NXG+ said:
One thing i seem to be finding is that if my ass is still hurting from the last shot, then shooting it again hurts pretty bad.

I never inject the same place if it's still sore. There are plenty of places to inject, glutes, quads, delts even calfs, bi's and tris' if you like.
OK 2weeks/8 shots in:

Very little to report really, have gained around 1kg since the start, have increased cals by around 6-800 a day on average over the last fortnight. BF seems to have not increased though which is a bonus.

Feel no different, no sides, strength seems to be more or less on the same line as it was before to be honest.

If id made this progress natural id not be surprised so its fair to say im still waiting for the test to kick in.
i'd have thought the prop would have been kicking in by now.

cyp and eth take 3-4 weeks to kick...i can't believe prop would take longer than a week to get going.
well yeah i was certainly hoping for something by now...

Hope i havnt been burnt on the gear, i know a few guys who have used the same source, all with positive reports...
Shot in the pec last night, used a 1.25" 23g but only stuck it .75 - 1" in. Was a smooth easy shot, its really easy to hold and aspirate and shit. Not too much pain today either, just feels like i did heavy deep dumbell flyes on just one side.
NXG+ said:
Shot in the pec last night, used a 1.25" 23g but only stuck it .75 - 1" in. Was a smooth easy shot, its really easy to hold and aspirate and shit. Not too much pain today either, just feels like i did heavy deep dumbell flyes on just one side.

I love pec shots...wait until you wake up'sll feel like a knot in the chest