Test and prop cut/strength log

Thanks dude I hope so. I've noticed the facial bloat is especially prominent near my temples, almost like I have antlers, did you notice anything like that when you were bloated? And of course cheeks, chin, etc. And good point re: slin, def always best to introduce the compounds one at a time.

Funny you mention the 'many more' part. Some things have recently come up which may cause me to push plans back a year. I will say this though... I definitely prefer cut cycles to bulk cycles, and think tren Summer cycles are perfect. Eat with less restrictions AND look way better while doing it, ability to get by on less sleep... all perfect things for Summer. Like you I've settled on it + minimal test as the base for the future.

OHP suffered a lil bit today (down 2 reps) but it has always been inconsistent for me, so I'm not too worried. Plus I'm dealing with a shoulder pain nowadays too. Shoulder press went up to 125 x 5.5 though, so gains throughout my first few days of PCT are still there... squats tomorrow will tell more. Feel absolutely fine, just a little more sleepy than normal, but that happened a while ago after I dropped tren.

I don't recall the bloat in or near the temple area of my face. It was much fuller, most notably in the cheeks and chin. Yeah man, Tren during the summer is ideal! The getting by on less sleep has been crazy. I can't figure out how i'm performing so well on such minimal sleep. My hope is that it doesn't all catch up to me once I discontinue like a major crash.

Two months to drop the water? Never heard of that, I would be curious as to what kind of cycles they were on and what esters they were taking. Dude, your water will come off before then. Maybe they had fat gain due to estro conversion and it took that long for them to lose it. If your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) wasn't legit some of that perceived water may be fat from the high test dose. However, with your diet on point and knowing you tried multiple companies I would assume that won't be the case.

I can only speak for myself and my water weight is pretty much entirely gone. No more hgh belly, abs have come in and am very tight all around. Face has made a drastic change and is back where it was pre-cycle.
I don't think you'll crash off the sleep. I think you'll just return to normal and realize you can't get by doing half the shit you do when youre off haha. I assume you'll feel like I do, and I feel fine... I just get tired when normal human beings do and after alot of work, shit like that. After all I'm not superhuman anymore.

"If your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) wasn't legit some of that perceived water may be fat from the high test dose." what do you mean by that? The fat from the high test dose part. Are you saying there is some mechanism by which high test bolsters fat addition?

Either way, I don't think that's the case, I was on a calorie restrictive diet the whole time through (plus the tren), and all these bouts of water gain were mostly due to one day dietary indiscretions that literally had me blow up 10-15+ plus pounds in ONE day... and then it just never came off.
Yeah, sometimes high test doses can lend itself to fat gain due to the increased conversion into estrogen. So if the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) wasn't legitimate then that would consequently increase the bloat and addition of fat simultaneously. I would highly doubt that is your reality as you were on a deficit for the entirety of your cycle. However, those two month water weight carriers would strike me as those that weren't as disciplined with their diet and probably had bouts of fat gain.

Not looking forward to feeling human again but it would be nice to catch up on sleep. Lifestyle will definitely change come pct.
Yeah, sometimes high test doses can lend itself to fat gain due to the increased conversion into estrogen. So if the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) wasn't legitimate then that would consequently increase the bloat and addition of fat simultaneously. I would highly doubt that is your reality as you were on a deficit for the entirety of your cycle. However, those two month water weight carriers would strike me as those that weren't as disciplined with their diet and probably had bouts of fat gain.
Really? da fuqqqq... never heard of that before. I mean part of me feels like the AIs were definitely bunk, but I'm sure the increased fat would have showed up on my arms as well as other places... but as you can see from the pictures its the exact opposite, arms look better than ever.

Plus the whole blowing up in a day thing kinda helps my case. I dunno dude... you're lucky! I have a double chin and a beer gut and all that shit. I can barely fit into some of my clothes... and everytime I walk the ground trembles and stuff falls off the walls of my house. A girl I'm actually seeing said my face had gotten 'round'... that pretty much did it for me!
Oh man, you're going to be just fine. Pretty funny embellishments though. Yeah, if you're jumping 10-15 pounds in a day that obviously is water retention. Just cut the sodium if that's even an issue and take the natural steps (sauna) to get it off quicker. Everyday you're on post cycle therapy (pct) and your test levels drop will be another day closer to revealing your new body and taking stress off of your kidneys.

Don't even sweat what that girl is saying, just perform lights out and i'm sure she's already loving grabbing on to your stone-like arms. I know my girl does, she refers to me as the beast. But for the future, drop test like a bad habit. That shit isn't for us, we don't much need to bulk up at this point in our development. Let's keep it tight and lean, mass that we can more easily keep and sustain comfortably. Plus, as you stated it's always nice to have the ability to eat more and stay lean for the summertime. Very nice cheat code we found here.

Don't stress it brother, you will be good to go in no time!
Thanks dude, I appreciate the encouragement. The chin and gut part aren't really all that embellished though lol. I'm wondering if the inflamed temples aren't like facial muscle hypertrophy from all the gun chewing I did on cycle... I officially gave up gum as of today haha.

Agreed on the test.

Squats were down a rep today and I failed on my 2nd rep with 565 but I'm not concerned. That shoulder pain I mentioned earlier was really flaring up today and made it painful to support the bar across my back... I will have to start training my standing OHs less frequently, since I believe they are the culprit. Was also in a rush today, so didn't have a good flow. I'm squatting again Saturday and have the entire day to myself so that will be a better gauge of how my post cycle therapy (pct) is going.

Also gonna try benching on Friday. Interested to see how my pec will do.
209 today :) didn't get a chance to hydrate as well as I wanted to yesterday and was constantly running around doing shit, but still, I know myself well enough to know that this drop is due moreso as a result of the post cycle therapy (pct) than anything else. Wonder how it'll affect my strength... but at this point, being a normal functional human being is more important to me than squatting 6 plates.

Either way, still doing some dehydration today.
PCT continues to go well. Weight is fluctuating, probably rebound from the diuretics I took two days ago, but it was worth it for what I had to go to. I'm consistently waking up in the sub 210 range, so hopefully the water weight continues to drop quicker and quicker.

Mood is very happy and energetic, no libido issues, no depression or anything remotely resembling that. I feel no different than I felt while on cycle, which is the way I feel when I'm... off cycle! lol. I'm sleeping much better though, occasional bouts of tiredness throughout the day but thats always normal with me

Weight lifting progress is fine, Shoulder Presses still were they were, tried benching and inclines and put up the same thing I did when I tried last week... got an extra rep on bench though, so 365x5 now. I'd go harder if it wasn't for my pec but I'm fine taking it slow. Also noticed muscular endurance is way down from before, and I fatigue a lot quicker when doing high volume

Tomorrow I squat. I had a subpar showing last time so we'll see how it goes!
Also, been dosing GHRP2+Mod @ anywhere from 3-6 times a day to help keep my gains in post cycle therapy (pct), but once I run out I probably won't order another batch. Pinning is becoming a big inconvenience at this point.
When that pec heals and you begin your next cycle I have no doubt you'll be benching 4 plates at some point early on in the cycle. But it looks like things are going as well as you can expect and I would expect the majority of the bloat to drop off somewhere in the next week based on what I saw.

There is no way i'd be pinning that much, that sounds like a torturous daily chore. But if it helped heal you up then it was well worth it to this point.
I think so too. My weight has been wildly fluctuating but all things considered I am still thinner than I have been recently. I anticipate that it will continue to drop, and when the fluctuations stop I'll probably be good. 210ish nowadays... I look my best at anything under 200 (leaner the better though, obviously).

I dont know when I'll get a chance to run my next cycle... it will either be Spring or Summer (probably not both). But I have certain things I'd like to achieve before then, mainly including benching 365x10 and squatting 585 for any number of reps. Since I'm in a bulking phase, I don't foresee this being a problem.

Squat was back up to 565x2 today. I am happy with my strength levels. A week into PCT and no real drops to speak of. Energy is up, mood is good, libido great. Everything is going perfect. Life is good!
Glad to hear it! It puts me at ease knowing you're doing so well as i will be heading into post cycle therapy (pct) in two weeks. 365x10 would be quite beastly! It feels awesome to get 15+ reps at 315, it's almost as if 315 can be the new 225 and one day we'll be able to get 20-30 reps on it. Weird to think about but I believe it'll be possible come next cycle.
I just wanna be able to bench 5 plates one day dude. That would be sick. I don't foresee it being a huge problem given my background and the use of anabolics (i.e. tren) to achieve it. A year or two.

Sports aside, I really am not feeling the mass monster look, so I'm hoping I can achieve all my goals and still look like a human being. As I've said before though, I love food (I just don't eat normally seeing as how I'm on this health kick shit), so the biggest attraction to me about getting bigger is that you can eat more!!

I guess my ultimate goal, strength aside, is to achieve a physique that is lean and not too hulky, but still have enough lean mass to allow me to eat to my heart's desire :)
I hear you man, i'm a foodie! I eat all of my calories aside from protein shakes. It would be great to stay lean and in good health while being able to eat what I want for at least a couple of meals per day, if not all of them. I've always put on weight very easily so that's probably why I got so into weightlifting. Once I stopped playing sports but ate the same diet I put on weight quickly so I needed a replacement that provided competition and good health habits. That's when I became addicted to lifting.

Right now if I ate whatever I wanted and maintained my 6 days per week lifting schedule I will still look good but probably carry an extra 10 pounds over what I would aesthetically desire. So perhaps the answer is 8-10 pounds more lean mass and that will make the current excess calories negligible? Who knows but that would be the ultimate for me as well.

With tren it all is a reality so you can always give yourself a a handful of months per year where you can get away with it. But right now I can eat anything I want so long as I watch my dinner cals and i will stay lean and fit. If I go over on dinner then typically off-cycle I will pay the price. But it will be hard to achieve and maintain a lean athletic physique if you are eating whatever you want without the aid of gear. It's certainly something to shoot for though.
206 yesterday, 203 today :) bloat continues to drop. I haven't been hydrating myself anywhere near as much as I did whilst on cycle.. yet I'm still peeing a lot and the pee is clear, so looks like all is well there.

The diuretics are always good for a quick noticeable drop in weight but I feel like I've noticed a rebound effect the few times I've used em so I'm tryna do it the old fashioned way.

Strength still holding, wonder if my leverages will change alot due to weight loss and kill my numbers, but I doubt it.
I'm on 50ED and I feel fine. I will drop to 25 when my weight consistently drops below 200 and/or I lower my Clomid from 100 to 50 (should be sometime next week).

Pinned what was probably my last pep earlier today. It will be nice to have a break from all the pinning, it doesn't bother me, but it is just a huge inconvenience nowadays.

Weight is lower, but still above 200. It fluctuates depending on what I eat, and while I am still sensitive to bloat, it's much better overall. I anticipate being sub 200 by the end of next week.

Lifts are... stable but stagnant and at the same time inconsistent. What I mean is, I feel strong and my max strength levels are still high, but it is not really going anywhere. I actually don't attribute this to anything hormonal, but the ED training I did towards the end of my cycle wrecked havoc on my body and the pains and aches I have developed from then are a big limiting factor nowadays. Time will heal them, though. Plus my regimentation could probably use some changing. But to sum it up, I have no real complaints with my strength per se.

No lethargy, depression, libido loss, etc.
I hear you man, i'm a foodie! I eat all of my calories aside from protein shakes. It would be great to stay lean and in good health while being able to eat what I want for at least a couple of meals per day, if not all of them. I've always put on weight very easily so that's probably why I got so into weightlifting. Once I stopped playing sports but ate the same diet I put on weight quickly so I needed a replacement that provided competition and good health habits. That's when I became addicted to lifting.

Right now if I ate whatever I wanted and maintained my 6 days per week lifting schedule I will still look good but probably carry an extra 10 pounds over what I would aesthetically desire. So perhaps the answer is 8-10 pounds more lean mass and that will make the current excess calories negligible? Who knows but that would be the ultimate for me as well.

With tren it all is a reality so you can always give yourself a a handful of months per year where you can get away with it. But right now I can eat anything I want so long as I watch my dinner cals and i will stay lean and fit. If I go over on dinner then typically off-cycle I will pay the price. But it will be hard to achieve and maintain a lean athletic physique if you are eating whatever you want without the aid of gear. It's certainly something to shoot for though.
I don't necessarily mean eating literally WHATEVER i want. I mean it would be nice to be able to eat more in general. I'm alot more satiated nowadays though... most of the posts I wrote complaining about hunger were when I was eating 1000 calories less than I am nowadays per day. I still get hungry but I am overall comfortable. Have to remember to keep eating clean during PCT though...

I have come to the realization that quantity is more important than quality when it comes to food for me :)

tomorrow will mark my 4th week of post cycle therapy (pct). I'm still dosing 100mg Clomid, but I lowered the Aromasin to 25mg, and will probably lower the Clomid to 50 tomorrow or Monday. I will also overlap this with the dosing of Nolva at 20mg for a few weeks... it's part of a protocol I saw elsewhere that I trust.

Weighing 196 nowadays. Still dropping water so I'm curious to see what my final weight will be... I started in the low/mid 180s dry.

Strength is ok. Slight drop off from cycle levels but nothing to write home about. Not really gaining strength though. Losing like maybe a rep every 2 weeks. I wanna see what my real weight is because that will go a long way to determine if I'm eating enough right now. Squat is down to 545 for a single. I wonder what the cause is. Lack of calories? The injury (yes, its still plaguing me, but I've changed my routine accordingly to help it rest so it feels bit better... I will try going again heavy tomorrow probably)? Or maybe its just the change in leverages. When you think about it, 4 weeks ago I was 35 pounds heavier!!

Libido, mood, etc, rest is great!