Lion updated.


Brats' swedish lovetoy!
Its been awhile since I last posted. Great to be back nonetheless.

Anyways my current stats:

220 lbs (97 kg)
5 '11 (181 cm)
bf: ?

Currently on week 9 of 16: 500 mg test and 500 mg EQ a week.
throwing in 100 mg Winstrol (winny) ED for the last 6-7 weeks.

Sorry for having the shirt on gonna take a few shots without it later.

Let me know what you think.
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I don't normally encourage men to strip, but in this instance it would be beneficial :)

Looks like you have some nice size there, hard to tell bf without the stomach, but i'd say around 15%.
Thx everyone. =) couldnt have done it without all the tips and advice from everyone here at the board... still is a lot of work to be done. =)