i know i cant spot reduce fat w/ a supplement, but w/ all honesty, my lower abdomen and love handles are like the only part of my body that have fat... so i'm hoping adding lipo-6 to my current intense cardio workouts, i can do away w/ some of that.
i'm about 5'8", 170 lbs, so i have some muscle on me though nothing like a lot of the members of this forum.
as for my diet... i'm not like a bodybuilder where i'm like on a super strict measured out diet. personally i just dont have the time or concern to go to such lengths. though overall i eat pretty well. unfortunately my diet can be inconsistent due to work, school, and my athletics, but i try and stay as consistent as possible eating breakfast, small snack, lunch, small snack, and then dinner. again, i dont really measure all my calories or anything but for the most part i have a decent basic knowledge or what kinds of thing to eat or avoid so i try and stay as true to that as possible.
as for the lipo-6, did you notice it to be a very strong stimulant? over the years i have learned that my body is very easily and strongly affected by supplements, especially certain stimulants. i obviously expect a certain level of heightened awareness due to the stimulants, but i dont want to be real shaky and anxious like i've experienced with certain other stimulants (though i will admit to have tried some pretty serious/heavy products where a certain level of the shakes and anxiety are somewhat expected).