Liquid Beef Aminos


I vas violated
I need to get my hands on these... 500grams of protein per 32oz bottle.

Liquid amino's.

I hear Phil sells them but I want to know the direct source!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm not telling :)

but if you look their not hard to find.

Also I would stick with the ones Phil sells, they are the only real legit ones. I have tried the scifit and others on the market and its not the same.

Also i do not believe its 500g / 32 oz. bottle, I think its more like 320g

let me also say that Phils price is just as good as the manufacture price so there is nothing to gain.
alright. I PM'd him a second ago. I can't wait to get some.... Ive heard great things about them.
Suareezay said:
does anybody else not know wth these two are talking about, or who phil is?

just checkin.

They are talking about a liquid amino product imported from Europe.Phil Hernon,the professional bodybuilder,sells them.The liquid beef aminos have gotten a lot of good reviews.
I have personally never used them.
Here's the scoop 6x32oz bottles $192.

Ive heard people on up 10lbs on their lifts with this stuff.. IGF is present etc.

I might give it a go. He told me cash.
musclehouse said:
Here's the scoop 6x32oz bottles $192.

Ive heard people on up 10lbs on their lifts with this stuff.. IGF is present etc.

I might give it a go. He told me cash.

Yeah, i know about him and his liquid aminos. I considered it, but i think its just too much. I'm sure it works well but I would rather get a good protein powder and eat chicken and fish etc.
Just me.