Liquid calories - is this sustainable?


I am banned!
Hey guys I'm on week 11 of my test/deca bulk. Going well. My caloric goal is at least 3500 but I occasionally like to go up to 4000.

Lately some personal life events have taken a toll on me. I find it hard to eat which is pretty fucking shitty considering this is a bulk. What I've been doing is drinking two 1000 calorie shakes a day and eating 1500 calories in solid food.

This is only temporary until all my stress and anxiety goes away, give or take two weeks.

So is this okay to do? Will it make a difference in terms of gains? Short-term I can't imagine this being too big of a problem. My shits aren't too runny so I think i'm all set in that regard. Thoughts?
Short term if you have to do it I say its better than not meeting caloric goal for sure.

Thanks for the reply, Jimi. Macros are all the same so my gains should remain nice and steady as long as I keep hitting them, liquid or not. Besides some GI tract issues (lack of fiber, runny shits), which isn't a big deal for a couple weeks, I think I should be good to go.
As long as you also get in all your vital nutrients, then a short term use of liquid diet is not a big deal. Make sure to take your vitamins and other supplements so you can get the things you miss out on by not eating real food.