liquid coming out of my nipple when squeezed???

Oh yeah, don't play with yourself to much cause I guess pregnant chicks are supposed to rub their nipples to increase prolactin.
I feel a teenie bit bbetter now. I was at my GF's house last night and I showed her my new trick. After tons of pressure and complaining I got my GF to squeeze her nipple hard and press...sure as shit, some fluid (a tiny bit like me) came out. Well at least she can't give me shit now.
B-legit said:
I feel a teenie bit bbetter now. I was at my GF's house last night and I showed her my new trick. After tons of pressure and complaining I got my GF to squeeze her nipple hard and press...sure as shit, some fluid (a tiny bit like me) came out. Well at least she can't give me shit now.

Holy Fuckin shit, LMAO.
B-legit said:
I feel a teenie bit bbetter now. I was at my GF's house last night and I showed her my new trick. After tons of pressure and complaining I got my GF to squeeze her nipple hard and press...sure as shit, some fluid (a tiny bit like me) came out. Well at least she can't give me shit now.

That's old news, she already showed me that trick. :tounge2:

On a more serious note, I always knew you were a bitch. :laugh:
LMAO this thread wins an oscar(sorry I couldnt do better, they were giving away oscars thought id pick one up since they free).
mvmaxx said:
That's old news, she already showed me that trick. :tounge2:

On a more serious note, I always knew you were a bitch. :laugh:

Don't be jealous just because your WIFE wants me to go shopping (for you) just so I can try things on for her:horny:

The best part will be when she tries on Victoria's Sectret's new line for me (as a gift fo my G.F.):flipoffha
B-legit said:
Don't be jealous just because your WIFE wants me to go shopping (for you) just so I can try things on for her:horny:

The best part will be when she tries on Victoria's Sectret's new line for me (as a gift fo my G.F.):flipoffha

I just showed her this post. She did one of these ---> :rolleyes: and then said "Yeah right".

ntpadude said:
I was reading that 80% of men that get breast cancer, had a history of having done anabolic steroids at some point in their life.... not that lots of men get breast cancer, its as rare as rare can be but steroids definately put us all into a higher risk catagory.

yes, but think of the tiny percentage of the population that does AAS. maybe the percentage of men who have done Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) and subsequently come down with breast cancer is not that small.
I was hoping to make my first post under other circumstances, but here goes.....

I was reading this thread and having a good laugh and decided I should give it a try just for kicks. So I squeezed mine and sure enough, a teeny amount of clearish liquid came out of both when I squeezed them. I was like WTF?

My history is as follows -

I did one Methyl 1-Test cycle about 2 months ago (for 4 weeks), followed by Novaldex just to be safe. I never noticed anything while on the cycle, but immediately afterwards my nipples became a teeny bit puffy. I wasn't expecting any Gyno from Methyl so it kinda took me by surprise. The puffyness was so small that there's basically no way a third party would notice it from a casual visual inspection. I chalked it up to fat gain since I went from 5% to 7.3% BF while on cycle and that's by far the fattest I've ever been. I guess that's not the case.

I can't feel any lumps so as far as I can tell it's just a bit of puffiness and discharge. Has anybody ever heard of this type of Gyno from Methyl 1-test? It's all I've ever done. I can run the Novaldex again if anybody thinks it would help. Apparently it didn't do much the first time though. I'll try B6 for sure since that's easy and cheap.

I don't know if I've always had this problem or not. Can't say I've ever squeezed my nipple like this before. I'm 23 years old by the way.
You should take some nolva fellas. Nolva reduces serum prolactin and also binds competetively to prolactin receptors in breast tissue. If that doesn't work then try the other medications mentioned above.

It's not normal for a man to lactate, I would sort it out rather than playing with it lol.
and by the way...i hear breast milk is high in protein and vitamins..just think of how much you will save on supplements....lolololol...jk....
B-legit said:
I feel a teenie bit bbetter now. I was at my GF's house last night and I showed her my new trick. After tons of pressure and complaining I got my GF to squeeze her nipple hard and press...sure as shit, some fluid (a tiny bit like me) came out. Well at least she can't give me shit now.

I would have told her... look honey lets play milk the bull. Just suck on this salami for a while and it will give you a mouth full of milk and cream before too long.
how did this thread come back up to the top?

I started this like a month or more ago.

Anyways, since then, my nipples aren't swollen hardly at all, and I havn't really tried squeezing them, but they have definitely gone down from being so puffy.
Mechanical stimulation of the breast can increase prolactin and cause galactorrhea even if PRL is normal...

J Adolesc Health Care. 1984 Jul;5(3):210-2. Related Articles, Links

Benign galactorrhea/breast discharge in adolescent males probably due to breast self-manipulation.

Rohn RD.

Three adolescent males presented with nipple discharge. In two boys, the expressed secretion was clinically consistent with galactorrhea. Galactorrhea/breast discharge is a rare complaint in males of any age. Although galactorrhea is commonly associated with a neuroendocrine disorder or drug ingestion, the work-up in each, including basal prolactin level, was normal. Reluctantly, each by admitted to breast self-manipulation to reduce gynecomastia. When the behavior was discontinued, the galactorrhea/breast secretion ceased. Clinicians should be aware of this heretofore undescribed and apparently benign phenomenon. If basal hyperprolactinemia is absent in a male with a breast discharge and a history of breast manipulation, then an extensive work-up is not usually indicated.


Klin Wochenschr. 1990 Dec 4;68(23):1157-67. Related Articles, Links

Control of prolactin secretion.

Benker G, Jaspers C, Hausler G, Reinwein D.

Abteilung fur Endokrinologie, Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik, Universitat Essen.

1. Prolactin is a 21,500 Dalton single-chain polypeptide hormone but may occur in 50 kDa and 150 kDa molecular variants. 2. These large PRL variants may be secreted predominantly; this condition is termed "macroprolactinemia". It is characterized by high immunological and normal biological serum levels of prolactin, and lack of clinical symptoms of hyperprolactinemia. 3. The information on PRL is encoded on chromosome 6. Transcription can be enhanced and suppressed by a variety of hormonal factors. 4. PRL is secreted in a pulsatile fashion; it displays a circadian rhythm (with a maximum during sleep) and is stimulated by some amino acids. PRL also responds to mechanical stimulation of the breast. 5. PRL rises during pregnancy, and maintainance of hyperprolactinemia (and, thereby, physiological infertility) is dependent on the frequency and duration of breast feedings. 6. Hypothalamic regulation of prolactin mainly involves tonic inhibition via portal dopamine. The physiological importance of various stimulating factors present in the hypothalamus is still incompletely understood. In particular, there is still no place for TRH in PRL physiology. 7. PRL is released in response to stress; this response may be mediated by opioids. The low-estrogen, low-gonadotropin amenorrhea of endurance-training women is not mediated by prolactin, however. 8. Estrogens stimulate PRL gene transcription via at least two independent mechanisms. There are many clinical examples of this estrogen effect on prolactin serum levels, and also on the growth of prolactinomas. 9. Mild hyperprolactinemia remains an enigma which cannot satisfactorily be resolved by biochemical or radiological testing. The border between "normal" and "elevated" prolactin is ill-defined. The possibility of macroprolactinemia complicates this matter even further. 10. The number of drugs which suppress prolactin by acting on pituitary D2 receptors, and which are useful in the treatment of hyperprolactinemia, continues to increase. In the field of ergot alkaloids, parenteral application appears to be a logical solution to the problem of the high first-pass effect; in addition, this form of treatment is frequently better tolerated than the oral route. 11. Prolactinoma development is presently being studied employing molecular biological techniques; the question of whether tumorigenesis can be attributed to specific defects of gene regulation remains to be answered.