SHORT CYCLES good gains-less sides

I have been getting a lot of pm's from bro's wondering how to do short cycles with injectable steroids in long esters such as test cyp, Sustanon (sust), enanthate, EQ etc etc....

Ideally roids in long chain esters are not the best choices for the short cycle simple because they take some time to reach optimum blood levels but mostly because they take 2-3 or more weeks to clear, depending on dose, after the last injection, and this basically extends a cycles length. can still use roids in long chain esters with good results and here's how.......

You should do a loading dose of the roid on day one......say you decide to do test cyp at 700mg/week. On day one you do a loading dose of about 600mg and then the next day do another 2-300...after that do 350 mg twice per week for 4 weeks.

All the loading dose does is to get blood hormone levels up in a hurry "right from the get go"....and it's totally safe....just don't inject more than 2-3cc in any one spot, for comfort reasons, and also an injected volume of more then 3cc in one spot can occasionally cause a sterile abcsess to form.

wait about two weeks after the last shot to begin SERM theapy. On day one do 200-300mg of clomid in divided doses and then 100mg/day for a week and then 50mg/day for three more weeks.
OR...use nolva at 80mg on day one and then 40mg/day for a week and then 20mg/day for three more weeks.

After a few more weeks off without a SERM you could start another cycle again.


Right on.

I have 20 x cyp 250 just waiting to be flowing through my body. I was going to do a 10 weeker -first cycle, but now I am only interested in short cycles after reading this thread. So its great to learn that I can still use cyp for great results in a shorter cycle.

However my first cycle is now going to be a tren/prop combo. Out of curiosity, what kind of results could one see using tren with cyp in a six weeker?
That depends on a lot of things training, diet, rest/sleep, genetics and how far from you natural maximum level of developement you are.

If you are not at your natural max, or the biggest you can get without gear, then you will likely gain 15 pounds, loose 5 pounds of water and muscle and keep about 10 solid pounds of muscle.

That may not sound like a lot but it is pretty darn good and that gain would take most men at least a year training naturally, if one has have been training for a couple years naturally already.

Now do that in cycles and you can gain a lot of 6 "on" 8 "off" for several cycles. (hcg use while "on" would be wise with this schedule)

The amount kept also depends on how quickly/well you recover hpta and how you train post cycle as a natural.

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sonis9 said:
RG- what would be a more effective run between prop/dbol/var and prop/dbol/WV (inject)?? any opinions welcome!!

That would be a close one...but I think I would go with the second choice.

But then again bro...prop/tren will beat them all as will d-bol/tren.

One thing to consider ....both of your cycles have two different 17aa roids...likely okay for a 4-6 weeker but don't extend the cycle without getting a liver panel done.

Great post.
I've been off for about 5 weeks, and am going to get bloodwork done.
I was disturbed last time, as my cholesterol levels were not good.
Seems often that when I hear about a bbder or wrestler dying, it is of a heart attack.
Thammer said:
Great thread...bump.

A combination of Bill Roberts, Nelson Montana, and Cy Willson.

Bill Roberts:

Cy Wilson:

Nelson Montana:

Not for nothing, but notice which one came first.

The only reason I say this is because Cy Wilson has the balls to steal my title then diss me in the article. (Then again, that may just be TC being a dick).

I'll admit, some of my observations in SFH weren't entirely accurate, but it was written in 1997 and for the most part the advice still hold up. Meanwhile, some of Wilsons assertions, such as the use of Androgel allowing for recovery, are preposterous.

As far as Bill Roberts, he mearly took my idea a step further -- too far in my opinion. 2 weeks is too short and staying off for 2 weeks is like not coming off at all. A bad plan IMO.

BTW: I've had blood tests done with policosinal and it indeed lowered cholesterol, but it may also raise estrogen -- another reason why you shouldn't go overboard with anti-e's during a cycle.

B vitamins are meant to be taken in the complex, as they appear in nature. Too much of any single B vitamin without the others present can cause a problem.
Nelson Montana said:
Not for nothing, but notice which one came first.


If it makes you feel any better I have read your "updated" version;)

Also, there was no particular order in which I was trying to put you guys' name...simply the way the links were in my "Favorites" list.

Yeah, the "update" In Bottom Line Bodybuilding clears up a few of the old inaccuracies.

Although I disagree with Roberts, I guess his work needs to be mentioned when it comes to detailed short cycle plans. And even though I've had my disagreements with Will Brink, he too was talking about the possible benefits of short cycles around the same time. Dan Duchaine and Bruce Kneller also spoke of it but never got too in depth with its application.

But Cy Wilsons work is just a blatent rip-off IMO.
I see there are a lot of dbol lovers out there and I don't blame ya as the stuff works great. I was thinking of trying the shorter cycle with some anadrol and tren...has anyone tried this out? Logically should work just as good, but I've never tried anadrol.
I see there are a lot of dbol lovers out there and I don't blame ya as the stuff works great. I was thinking of trying the shorter cycle with some anadrol and tren...has anyone tried this out? Logically should work just as good, but I've never tried anadrol.

Will be great as long as it is a short cycle and you moniter blood pressure. Would definitely get some freaky strength gains.
