Liquid Letro


New member
Need a Aromatase inhibitor (AI) can i use Liquid Letro? If so how should i dose daily and how many bottles of this stuff do i need? It says a bottle of Liquid Letro has 30mL 2.5mg/mL. Would i need to take this daily and do i need to take it everyday during my cycle and pct? Also what the difference between stane and Letro? Could i take either or?
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It would help, if you post your cycle. Without knowing your Stats (cycle, hight, weight etc) its going to be impossible to say with any accuracy.
idk if I would go with the king of estro killers as my Aromatase inhibitor (AI) unless it was a serious cycle I prefer stane unless I feel an onset of gyno in which case i would start letro ASAP. Stane kills bout 60% of estro and letro is more like 98% lol so you'll be moody, loss of sex drive, etc etc on letro i am in better moods on stane.