Liquid Orals vs Caps?

what are you making.........and what concentration are you dosing it at?

oral/liquid is easier in my opinion.........although w/ caps you can take them w/ you on trips or wherever for more convienience
Nolva (20mg/ml), Dbol (25mg/ml) & Proviron (25mg/ml), Caps are a pain in the butt to make so was hoping liquid versions are just as if not more accurate regards dosing.
Great, So much easier for me to make up liquid orals and if they are accurately dosed then they aer certainly the way forward :)

Liquid solutions/suspensions are much more accurate than the average caps you can make at home with cap'm'quick or like machine.
And you should try EverClear for that Dbol. 25mg/ml will go into solution in minutes with no heat and will not crash. Not so for nolva and not sure about proviron (Probably not). I'd reccomend grapeseed oil for the other two, it will hold the particles in suspension better when shaken up as well as taste considerably better. Also there are reports that PEG hinders the bodies ability to absorb the hormones contained in it, making many of them pass right through the system and out the other end.
Why? Because I want to know what I am taking, I would want 50mg dbol per day so I'd like to know that im getting 50mg give or take a few mg either side!
DougoeFre5h said:
Why do you need accurate dosing. It sounds like a dumb question but honestly why?

I agree. In the long run, if you get 21mg of nolvadex one day and 19mg the next it isn't going to make a dick of difference. I like to be accurate too, but lets not get ridiculous here.

Probably over 90% of the people on this board dont even watch their blood, which is far more important than getting dead on exact dosing.

100% accurate dosing just isn't important. If you want to be anal then you'd start calculating the degredation rate of the drug and then compensating for that too, which is assinine.

I prefer caps because they are more convenient for me, although liquid has the advantage of variable dosing by needs and its MUCH faster to make.
Dbol is a very forgiving hormone to suspend. Try some 151, or other high grain liquor. If that's not possible you can use the method posted in this thread to increase the potentcy of you liquor.