Liquid PCT questions from RUI


New member
If testosterone cyp @ 500-600mg run for 12 weeks. What is the dosage and break down for the required PCT? RUI liquid clomid, torem, and liquid letro while on cycle.

On cycle liquid letro: 0.3-0.5mg every 3 days.


Liquid clomid: 50/50/50/50
Liquid torem: 120/90/90/60

Sound about right? Any suggestions? Recommendations?

I would stick to just the liquid Toremifene and try get some hCG instead if you can and run it while on cycle or around 6 weeks in when your test is at it's peak effect and you're probably going to start if you have't already some nut shrinkage, so that will stop that, and finish it when you start your PCT 3 weeks after the last Test shot at that dose of 600mg for 12 weeks (max dose you provided, btw may need to up your AI).

Yes Clomid will work with jacking up LH/FSH, but it is shithouse and makes you feel like shit, well most guys inc. me do on it. hCG is king if you have testicle atrophy, if not a SERM like Toremifene or Nolva is fine. Raloxifene was shown to be the weakest for PCT to translate the study. I'd still choose hCG+Ralox over Clomid anyday to give you an idea on why I hate Clomid...
with only 500 or so mg of test a week, your not going to need Letro . its overkill . just use their arimidex/liquidex . you really don't need to crash estrogen with letro, some amount of elevated estrogen on cycle is beneficial and will help you grow.
with only 500 or so mg of test a week, your not going to need Letro . its overkill . just use their arimidex/liquidex . you really don't need to crash estrogen with letro, some amount of elevated estrogen on cycle is beneficial and will help you grow.

Highly wrong bro, as someone who can not run test above 300mg without an AI, even lower I need one, not ideal advice for a first timer running a test cycle to essentially gauge his sensitivity to test. Letro/Adex/Stane all react differently in potency, if you already have letro OP, it's fine, but it is regarded as stronger which is what Roush is trying to say...

Crushing e2 for said reasons is a no-go too as mentioned
Once again... bloodwork is where I would start. Then after starting cycle, retest your "sensitive E2" & you can reference how "whatever you end up taking" is effecting you instead of just by "feel".
I couldn't "feel" the difference in my E2 until it was too late & the sides were already starting to show! Blood work is the right path to take, then theirs no guessing game & you have a better experience. :bigok: