liquid suspension questions


New member
I asked my Chem. Teacher today ..if the effects of suspending a pill into liquid form changes the chemical structure of the ''pill''...and she had no idea....

my question came from daydreaming in class....and i was thinking of my liquid research products.

i would think suspending them into liquid would change the structure ...

if anybody on here knows more about this than me...will ya please shout it out, for i was curious?

ie. Liquid nolva ..clomid...ameridex

also..isn't by changing them to liquid, the reason why its legal to purchase it without RX.? Me beliving that is the reason why i thought it would hae to change the strucute of the compound.

~dazed and confused~
I do not know the correct terms, but unless you break the pill down on a chemical level (emulisfication possibly?) you would not be changing the molecular structure of the chemical.
rjl296 said:
depends on what its dissolved in.
most of the time, no

thats pretty much what she said....that some things you disolve it in can change it and some things can' water, it can change some structure completly when others it can't

alright bros..thanx for the help