Little advice needed on Dbol and Test


New member
Im 27y, height 5,71 ft, weight 227,08 lb.
Trained seven years now.
There is fat in my body, but still clearly muscular.
But that is not the problem.
Problem in that i have used H-drol in past few times, pronabol once, epistane few times.
So "oral only- man" here:rockband:.
Now i have big bag of Danabol and i tought that i would take them like i have used to, oral only.
PCT is nolva and clomid.
I know that using test would be better but for some reason i have never tried it.
Few days now i have doubt that maybe i want to use test after all.

Cycle i have tought is:

Weeks 1-4: Test 500mg/w +30Dbol/ed
Weeks 5-12: Test 500mg/w
Weeks 13-14: Nothing
Weeks 15-16: Nolva 20mg/ed +Clomid 100mg/ed on first week, 50mg/ed second
Weeks 17-18: Nolva 20mg/ed +

1: Is this good cycle for normal gym-rat?
2: What gains could i get if everything goes well?
3: What test should i use, ena, propi?
4: Anything else?

e: Bench 286 pounds (shoulder operated)
Squat 440 pounds, Deadlift 507 pounds
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Just wondering if u should be running the clomid for the full PCT also. A 'standard' PCT for test seems to be Clomid 50/50/50/50 and Nolva 40/40/20/20.

Good luck mate and keep us posted
Sounds good. What test should i use, i have access to propi, enan and cypi?
I have understand that there are differences in esthers (or something) in these, and propi would be most ideal in short cycle like this?
But also i heard that since it kicks fast, it might be painful somehow, any one know about this?

E: I myself have tought about using Enan, since for me it seems cheapest. Other options seem to really be more expensive.
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I would go with test e if it is your first time pinning twice a week split 500 ,pinning eod might get to you if not used to it.
I'm new to this forum feed back stuff but I been on the juice scene for about 5 years many cycles under my belt.this being my longest cycle so far since January switched to test couple time and also went from eq to deca .my cycle looks like this .100mg test suspension ed,800 Adropen test a week,400 deca,300 trend a week.thought I would of seen better gains.was wondering after cycle like this what could I switch to. trying to get some ideas to get next gear ready
I'm new to this forum feed back stuff but I been on the juice scene for about 5 years many cycles under my belt.this being my longest cycle so far since January switched to test couple time and also went from eq to deca .my cycle looks like this .100mg test suspension ed,800 Adropen test a week,400 deca,300 trend a week.thought I would of seen better gains.was wondering after cycle like this what could I switch to. trying to get some ideas to get next gear ready
Paul, you should start your own thread brother. Its not polite to "hijack" motomoto's thread. Besides, you will get more responses if you start your own.